Magnetoelastic transition and negative thermal expansion of Fe2Hf0.83Ta0.17 ribbons

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In this work, the magnetocaloric effect and negative thermal expansion in melt-spun Fe2Hf0.83Ta0.17 Laves phase alloys were studied. Compared to arc-melted alloys, which undergo a first-order magnetoelastic transition from the ferromagnetic to the antiferromagnetic phase, melt-spun alloys exhibit a second-order transition. For Fe2Hf0.83Ta0.17 ribbons, we observed a large volumetric coefficient of negative thermal expansion of −19 × 10−6 K−1 over a wide temperature range of 197 – 297 K and a moderate adiabatic temperature change of 0.7 K at 290 K for a magnetic field change of 1.5 T. The magnetic field dependence of the transition temperature (dTt/dµ0H = 4.4 K/T) for the melt-spun alloy is about half that of the arc-melted alloy (8.6 K/T). The origin of second-order phase transition of the melt-spun alloy is attributed to the partially suppressed frustration effect, which is due to the atomic disorder introduced by the rapid solidification.