Digital Signal Processing for a Wireless ECG Device

Wireless Electrocardiogram (WiECG)

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The goal of the WiECG project is to create a prototype device that makes it possible to perform a 12-lead ECG measurement on patients without wires from the patient to a monitor. The solution consists of a transmitter and receiver, one of which is close or on the patients body and the other is connected to a monitor.

This thesis describes the design and implementation of a subsystem of the prototype device that performs digitization, digital processing and reconstruction of the measured 12-lead ECG signal. This concerns converting nine 0 to 3.3V analog signals to the digital domain by using Analog-to-Digital converters, real-time filtering of nine signals with multiple digital IIR filters and reconstructing nine digital signals to the analog domain using Digital-to-Analog converters. Furthermore, component selection, design decisions and the implementation process will be detailed in this document.

The subsystem proposed in this paper is able to successfully sample, efficiently filter and reconstruct nine signals in real time. Recommendations on improving the implementation to better adhere to the lower power requirements for a longer battery life are provided as future research prospects.