Monitoring the impact of droughts on vegetation in Australia using MetOp ASCAT Dynamic Vegetation Parameters

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Droughts are considered to be one of the most damaging, yet least understood, natural hazards of all. Despite their prevalence, a thorough understanding of them lacks because they are such complex phenomena, and their manifestation can differ depending on the region they occur in. Monitoring hydrological variables and processes is imperative for a good understanding of how droughts develop and persist. Backscatter from ASCAT and previous scatterometers has long been used for soil moisture retrieval. The first and second order derivative, slope and curvature respectively, of the backscatter - incidence angle relation in the TU Wien Soil Moisture Retrieval algorithm are used to correct for vegetation effects. Recently, new developments to this algorithm have allowed to account for interannual variations in the slope and curvature. This has given rise to the potential of monitoring vegetation directly with slope and curvature, rather than only using it to correct for vegetation effects in soil moisture retrieval. The long data record of ASCAT and previous scatterometers combined has the potential to provide valuable information for drought monitoring. This study investigates if ASCAT could be used as a self-contained dataset in drought monitoring. The spatial variability, the seasonal cycle, and the drought response of backscatter, slope and curvature across different vegetation types in Australia is assessed. Simulated surface- and root zone soil moisture, LAI and GPP from the land surface model ISBA are used to aid in the interpretation of the ASCAT signal. The results from this study show that backscatter, slope and curvature can adequately capture vegetation dynamics in times of drought across dry semi-arid grasslands and croplands. Over these regions the soil moisture and vegetation anomalies observed with ASCAT and simulated in ISBA correspond well. Considerable information into the vegetatin dynamics can be gained from analyzing the backscatter - incidence angle relationship. Especially the ability to monitor drought in crops with a coarse spatial resolution is promising for future applications. It proved more difficult to accurately capture the propagation from a soil moisture anomaly into vegetation anomaly across forests and mixed vegetation with grasses and trees. The first reason for this is the increased attenuation of the signal by vegetation, which hampers accurate measurements of soil moisture content. The second reason is that it is more difficult to separate the soil moisture and vegetation effects due to the fact that less is known about the scattering mechanisms induced by vegetation structure and moisture distribution. Overall the results support earlier findings the slope can be used as a measure of vegetation wet biomass and confirm that curvature is also a valuable source of information that gives insight into the relative contribution from surface or volumetric scattering to total backscatter. These relations have been shown to also adequately describe vegetation dynamics in times of drought.