Modeling the atmospheric diurnal cycle

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Weather and climate influence life in many ways; varying climatic conditions can be associated with varying human cultures and on a day-to-day basis, the weather influences our plans and mood. As such, a proper prediction of the weather is of great importance. Ultimately, the weather is fueled by solar irradiation, which changes sharply over the course of the day. The relative position of the sun is directly influencingthe meteorological properties in the atmosphere closest to the surface. The atmospheric state in the lowest few kilometers, known as the troposphere, is therefore characterized by a daily cycle: during daytime, the sun heats the air and at night, the atmosphere typically cools down and the wind settles a bit.
In spite of its omnipresence and importance, this diurnal cycle in weather patterns
is still not fully understood by the meteorological community. Consequently, it is also hard to describe and predict the weather properly. The challenges emerge from the fact that the weather is continuously evolving, and is therefore never ‘in balance’, which would simplify analysis of the processes.