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(1 - 20 of 82)


CEM: Constrained Entropy Maximization for Task-Agnostic Safe Exploration
CEM: Constrained Entropy Maximization for Task-Agnostic Safe Exploration
Reinforcement Learning by Guided Safe Exploration
Reinforcement Learning by Guided Safe Exploration
Scalable Safe Policy Improvement via Monte Carlo Tree Search
Scalable Safe Policy Improvement via Monte Carlo Tree Search
Back to the Future
Back to the Future: Solving Hidden Parameter MDPs with Hindsight
Influence-Augmented Local Simulators
Influence-Augmented Local Simulators: a Scalable Solution for Fast Deep RL in Large Networked Systems
Distributed Influence-Augmented Local Simulators for Parallel MARL in Large Networked Systems
Distributed Influence-Augmented Local Simulators for Parallel MARL in Large Networked Systems
Training and Transferring Safe Policies in Reinforcement Learning
Training and Transferring Safe Policies in Reinforcement Learning
Refined Risk Management in Safe Reinforcement Learning with a Distributional Safety Critic
Refined Risk Management in Safe Reinforcement Learning with a Distributional Safety Critic
A Modern Perspective on Safe Automated Driving for Different Traffic Dynamics using Constrained Reinforcement Learning
A Modern Perspective on Safe Automated Driving for Different Traffic Dynamics using Constrained Reinforcement Learning
Safety-constrained reinforcement learning with a distributional safety critic
Safety-constrained reinforcement learning with a distributional safety critic
Large-scale collaborative vehicle routing
Large-scale collaborative vehicle routing
Speeding up Deep Reinforcement Learning through Influence-Augmented Local Simulators
Speeding up Deep Reinforcement Learning through Influence-Augmented Local Simulators
Abstraction-Refinement for Hierarchical Probabilistic Models
Abstraction-Refinement for Hierarchical Probabilistic Models
An Auction-Based Multi-Agent System for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Autonomous Vehicles and Alternative Locations
An Auction-Based Multi-Agent System for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Autonomous Vehicles and Alternative Locations
Strategic Bidding in Decentralized Collaborative Vehicle Routing
Strategic Bidding in Decentralized Collaborative Vehicle Routing
Safe Policies for Factored Partially Observable Stochastic Games
Safe Policies for Factored Partially Observable Stochastic Games
Abstraction-Guided Policy Recovery from Expert Demonstrations
Abstraction-Guided Policy Recovery from Expert Demonstrations
PEBL: Pessimistic Ensembles for Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning
PEBL: Pessimistic Ensembles for Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning
AlwaysSafe: Reinforcement Learning without Safety Constraint Violations during Training
AlwaysSafe: Reinforcement Learning without Safety Constraint Violations during Training
WCSAC: Worst-Case Soft Actor Critic for Safety-Constrained Reinforcement Learning
WCSAC: Worst-Case Soft Actor Critic for Safety-Constrained Reinforcement Learning
Searched for: +
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