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(1 - 17 of 17)
Wave growth limit in shallow water: Analytical study of wave growth curves and SWAN source terms
Wave growth limit in shallow water: Analytical study of wave growth curves and SWAN source terms
3D wave-current modelling: A model for secondary circulations
3D wave-current modelling: A model for secondary circulations
A review of the physical formulations in SWAN: Evaluation of the chosen formulations for the modelling of physical processes
A review of the physical formulations in SWAN: Evaluation of the chosen formulations for the modelling of physical processes
3D wave-current interaction: CL-vortex force, simulation of wave-flume experiments
3D wave-current interaction: CL-vortex force, simulation of wave-flume experiments
Hamiltonian formulation of water waves, part 3: High-order description, wave breaking formulation, and numerical implementations
Hamiltonian formulation of water waves, part 3: High-order description, wave breaking formulation, and numerical implementations
Comparison of computations with Boussinesq-like models and laboratory measurements
Comparison of computations with Boussinesq-like models and laboratory measurements
Hamiltonian Formulation of Water Waves: 1D-formulation, numerical evaluations and examples
Hamiltonian Formulation of Water Waves: 1D-formulation, numerical evaluations and examples
Verification of numerical wave propagation models with laboratory measurements: HISWA verification in the directional wave basin
Verification of numerical wave propagation models with laboratory measurements: HISWA verification in the directional wave basin
Calibration and verification of a one-dimensional wave energy decay model
Calibration and verification of a one-dimensional wave energy decay model
Calibration and verification of a one-dimensional wave energy decay model report on investigation
Calibration and verification of a one-dimensional wave energy decay model report on investigation
Verification of numerical wave propagation models with field measurements: CREDIZ verification Haringvliet
Verification of numerical wave propagation models with field measurements: CREDIZ verification Haringvliet
An evaluation of some wave theories
An evaluation of some wave theories
Some numerical methods to compute the velocity field in water waves: Report on literature study
Some numerical methods to compute the velocity field in water waves: Report on literature study
De zuigbaarheidsbepaling van grond
De zuigbaarheidsbepaling van grond
Een cutterzuiger met twee zuigkoppen. (4de-jaars opdracht) Constructieve uitwerking van voorgesteld reactiearm cuttersysteem. (5de-jaars opdracht)
Een cutterzuiger met twee zuigkoppen. (4de-jaars opdracht) Constructieve uitwerking van voorgesteld reactiearm cuttersysteem. (5de-jaars opdracht)
Zuigbaarheidsbepaling van grond
Zuigbaarheidsbepaling van grond
Drukverdeling tussen waaier en pomphuis van een grondpomp. In de spleet wordt door een zgn. glandpomp water geperst om te voorkomen dat er grond in komt
Drukverdeling tussen waaier en pomphuis van een grondpomp. In de spleet wordt door een zgn. glandpomp water geperst om te voorkomen dat er grond in komt
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(1 - 17 of 17)