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Van Hal, J.D.M. (author), Van Sprundel, M. (author), Dekker, T.J. (author), Van der Heijden, H.M.H. (author)
book chapter 2014
Van Hal, A. (author)
conference paper 2013
Van Hal, R. (author)
Dit rapport beschrijft data verzameld tijdens de visbemonstering en benthosbemostering op en rond de Zandmotor, in de late zomer van 2012. De bemonsteringslocaties zijn op waterdieptes tussen 2,5 en 12,5 m op de raaien geplaatst.
report 2013
Van Hal, E. (author)
Workshopinleiding ikkv Conferentie Scheiden van wonen en zorg (workshop J)
conference paper 2012
Van Dam, S.S. (author), Bakker, C.A. (author), Van Hal, J.D.M. (author)
Between 2008 and 2011, three different home energy management systems (HEMS)that give feedback on energy consumption were implemented in households in the Netherlands. Home energy management systems are defined as intermediary devices that can visualise, monitor and/or manage domestic gas and/or electricity consumption. Through a series of...
conference paper 2012
Van Hal, A. (author)
journal article 2011
Van Hal, J.D.M. (author)
journal article 2011
Van Hal, A. (author), Diepmaat, H. (author), Van Ettekoven, J.G. (author)
Samenwerking in de bouw is vanzelfsprekend. Voor partijen die gericht zijn op de ontwikkeling van duurzame innovaties geldt dit eens te meer. Maar wat is de meest geschikte vorm van samenwerking? Wat zijn de voorwaarden voor succes? Recent onderzoek van het Center for Sustainability van Nyenrode Business Universiteit leidt tot concrete handvatten.
journal article 2011
Nieboer, N. (author), Gruis, A. (author), Van Hal, A. (author), Tsenkova, S. (author)
Energy efficiency has gained a lot of prominence in recent debates on urban sustainability and housing policy due to its potential consequences for climate change. At the local, national and also international level, there are numerous initiatives to promote energy savings and the use of renewable energy to reduce the environmental burden. There...
conference paper 2011
Van Hal, A. (author)
Het zijn bijzondere tijden voor de architectenwereld. Niet alleen loopt voor veel architecten door allerlei omstandigheden de hoeveelheid werk snel terug, ook de aard van het werk verandert veelal. Nieuwbouwprojecten vormen nog maar een fractie van de activiteiten waar de bouwwereld, en dus ook architecten, mee te maken hebben. Herbestemming van...
journal article 2011
Van Hal, A. (author), Dulski, B. (author)
De toekomstige opgave voor de bouwsector ligt in het verduurzamen, in de breedste zin van het woord, van de bestaande bouw. De meest kwetsbare gebouwen, monumenten en overige historische gebouwen met cultuurhistorische waarden, vormen daarbij een bijzondere uitdaging. Gaan duurzaamheidsambities en het behoud van cultuurhistorische waarden wel...
journal article 2011
Van Hal, A. (author), Van der Steen, L. (author), Van der Werf, E. (author)
One third of the current housing stock in The Netherlands dates from the sixties and seventies and a large part of these dwellings are fairly similar (because they were built in series). There is a high need for smart and speedy renovation methods, to improve technical, energy and cost efficiency of renovation projects as well as to limit...
conference paper 2011
Van Hal, A. (author), Van der Steen, L. (author), Van der Werf, E. (author)
One third of the current housing stock in The Netherlands dates from the sixties and seventies and a large part of these dwellings are fairly similar (because they were built in series). There is a high need for smart and speedy renovation methods, to improve technical, energy and cost efficiency of renovation projects as well as to limit...
conference paper 2011
Van Hal, A. (author)
In de rationele bouwsector wordt vooral vanuit technische en economische wetmatigheden gedacht en gewerkt. Gedragsgerelateerde aspecten worden veelal buiten beschouwing gelaten. Onterecht. Om duurzaamheidsambities van papier naar praktijk te kunnen vertalen is meer kennis over het gedrag van mensen nodig.
journal article 2011
Dam, S.S. (author), Bakker, C.A. (author), Van Hal, J.D.M. (author), Keyson, D.V. (author)
In an ongoing process, three diverse Home energy management systems (HEMS) have been implemented in the households in the Netherlands. Through a series of questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and usability tests, a wide range of knowledge in being gathered. Because of this broad approach, the insights that are gained are not only limited to...
conference paper 2010
Van Dam, S.S. (author), Bakker, C.A. (author), Van Hal, J.D.M. (author), Keyson, D.V. (author)
In an ongoing process, three diverse Home energy management systems (HEMS) have been implemented in the households in the Netherlands. Through a series of questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and usability tests, a wide range of knowledge in being gathered. Because of this broad approach, the insights that are gained are not only limited to...
conference paper 2010
Van Dam, S.S. (author), Bakker, C.A. (author), Van Hal, J.D.M. (author)
Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS), e.g. energy monitors, are intermediary products that can visualize, manage, and/or monitor the energy use of other products or whole households. HEMS increasingly receive attention for their role in energy conservation in households. A literature review and a case study examine the mid-term effectiveness ...
journal article 2010
De Zeeuw, F. (author), Franzen, A. (author), Aalbers, K. (author), Van Hal, A. (author), Dulski, B. (author)
The Netherlands has a tradition in public spatial planning and design. In the past 20 years, we have seen an increasing role for the market in this field, and more recently, growing attention for sustainability. Sustainability has become an economic factor. Not only at the building level, but also on the level of large-scale area development...
journal article 2010
Van Hal, A. (author), Dulski, B. (author), Postel, A.M. (author)
According to the ‘Climate Programme’ the municipality of Amsterdam has the ambition to reduce the CO2 emissions within the city limits by 40% in the year 2025 compared to the year 1990. To realize this ambition substantial CO2 savings have to be realized at the 375,000 current houses in the city. A special challenge is formed by the houses of...
journal article 2010
Van Hal, A. (author)
conference paper 2008
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