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Lee, J.W. (author)
Hybrid Housing for 21th Century
master thesis 2014
Nekova, T.K. (author)
The project is result of (Re)search for Crossing Points between Collective Private Commissioning and Housing Demands of the 21st Century. The design is located at Island 7 in Houthavens, Amsterdam. The main goal of the project is to create ensemble of buildings which give to the user feeling of home within the city of Amsterdam. In that sense...
master thesis 2014
Churchill, C. (author)
Urban sprawl is a contemporary issue facing not only newly developed nations and cities but many countries in Europe with historically dense urban cores, including Amsterdam. Urban city dwellers are desiring the the convenience of city life coupled with the qualities of suburbia and having ones own backyard. In the context of Amsterdam the aim...
master thesis 2014
Valkenet, R. (author)
Tot 2040 vestigen 333.000 meer mensen in de grotere steden van Nederland. De steden zijn in trek als het gaat om huisvesting1. De ruimte hiervoor wordt echter steeds beperkter. We zien woonlocaties ontstaan op plekken waar dit voorheen niet wenselijk was. Het doel is dan ook om een goed leefklimaat te realiseren op een woonlocatie die daar, op...
master thesis 2014
Huizinga, T.C. (author)
The project presents the design of a dwelling ensemble situated in an industrial area in Amsterdam. Dwellings are introduced to restructure an obsolete industrial area to start a transformation towards a mixed urban area. Strategies of former pioneer cities are used to create a safe and pleasant living environment. Collectivity at different...
master thesis 2013
Van der Klaauw, R.A. (author)
Sloterdijk, a decentralized area in Amsterdam, faces problems of unoccupied office buildings and mono-functionality. I will propose an area strategy to reverse the process of unoccupied offices in the Teleport area. Temporality and transformation are the key words. The elements found from the research will be used to transform this decentralized...
master thesis 2013
Smisek, P. (author)
master thesis 2013
Zwinkels, B. (author)
Engelse en Nederlandse tekst
master thesis 2013
De Bruijn, E. (author)
Within the research on designed appropriation we concluded that certain aspects or design elements could “trigger” inhabitants to appropriate or actually restrain this. Combining some elements worked better than other, but overall it could be said that renting a property does not encourage possible appropriation. If appropriation has to take...
master thesis 2013
De Haan, H. (author)
This dwelling project aims to create an alternative to the large scale, tower+plinth typology which is common in Zuidas at the moment, instead aiming to design a smaller scale dwelling environment with directer contact between the dwellings and outside/public space and more individual expression for each dwelling.
master thesis 2013
Linowska, D.L. (author)
A housing project comprised of 72 units is located in IJ Burg— a new suburb east from the center of Amsterdam. More specifically, the project sits on a man-made island called Steigereiland North, on a ‘left-over’ green strip of land. Two types of dwellings (A and B) are disseminated around the site forming various permeable blocks of living and...
master thesis 2013
Zu, X. (author)
master thesis 2013
Holierhoek, R.L. (author)
Volhoudbaarheid; Een afstudeerproject waarbij al tijdens de initiatief- en ontwerpfase gekeken is hoe er meer in harmonie met de lokale ecologie gebouwd kan worden. De stedenbouwkundige configuratie is een compositioneel principe dat antwoord weet te geven op het Amsterdamse watervraagstuk. De compositie is constructief zo ontworpen dat de...
master thesis 2013
Van den Berg, M.E. (author)
This graduation project contains a masterplan for the urban plot Gershwin, Amsterdam Zuidas, in answer to the economic problems of today that cause a lot of wasteland. To give the area a boost, I introduce hybrid buildings that include urban dwellings. Within a block of 140m x 40m I designed 85 dwellings, commercial units, offices and a parking...
master thesis 2013
Brakels, R.M.A. (author)
Cities are densifying instead of spreading out more. The Zuidas in Amsterdam is an example of this as 100m towers rise around the train station. The public space in these area's and specifically in the Zuidas is left over space which is not often used. Add to it that the main functions in the new high density area are offices resulting in a non...
master thesis 2013
Pelgrim, M.D. (author)
master thesis 2013
Van Hoek, L.H. (author)
De krimpsituatie in de Sesia Vallei in het noordwesten van Italië biedt nieuwe kansen voor het benutten van de kwaliteiten van het gebied. De verbinding van de berg en de rivier met de stad en de bewoners staat centraal. De relatie tussen het wonen en natuur is hierbij het uitgangspunt. The shrinking village in the Sesia valley in northwest...
master thesis 2012
Lamtara, E. (author)
master thesis 2012
Brouwer, K.M. (author)
De stedelijke plekken van Varallo Sesia worden doorgetrokken over een locatie. Op deze locatie staat een door krimp leegstaand ziekenhuis die op deze manier nieuwe betekenis krijgt. Kunst word als kathalyserende factor gebruikt midden in deze locatie. Hierdoor worden bestaande krachten van Varallo Sesia verbonden maar ontstaat er ook een nieuw...
master thesis 2012
Alkaabi, M.R. (author)
master thesis 2012
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