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Nieuwenhuis, J.G. (author), Yu, R. (author), Branje, S. (author), Meeus, W. (author), Hooimeijer, P. (author)
We studied how personality moderates the effect of neighbourhood disadvantage on work commitment and unemployment in early adulthood. Using a personality typolo-gy of resilients, overcontrollers, and undercontrollers, we hypothesised that the association between neighbourhood poverty and both work commitment and unemployment would be stronger...
report 2015
Nieuwenhuis, J.G. (author), Hooimeijer, P. (author)
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 615159 (ERC Consolidator Grant DEPRIVEDHOODS, Socio-spatial inequality, deprived neighbourhoods, and neighbourhood effects). Many studies have examined the...
journal article 2015
Norrman, J. (author), Volchko, Y. (author), Maring, L (author), Hooimeijer, F.L. (author), Broekx, S. (author), Garcao, R. (author), Beames, A. (author), Kain, J.H. (author), Ivarsson, M. (author), Touchant, K. (author)
Land take as a result of urbanization is one of the major soil threats in Europe. One of the key measures to prevent further urban sprawl and additional land take, is redevelopment of urban brownfields: underused urban areas with, in many cases, soil and groundwater pollution. The latter issue can be a bottleneck for redevelopment of brownfields...
report 2015
Tummers, L.C. (author), Hooimeijer, F.L. (author), Maring, L. (author)
The purpose of this contribution is to look at different planning contexts into which decisions about subsoil engineering presently need to be integrated. There are many ways of doing as well as theorizing spatial planning; and planning practice is constantly changing. Next to that, soil legislation and management has become more important to...
conference paper 2014
Hara, Y. (author), Hooimeijer, F.L. (author), Nijhuis, S. (author), Ryu, M. (author), Van Timmeren, A. (author)
In the Osaka area in the 1880s, rice was grown mostly in dry fields in upland areas, and a few paddy fields were situated on the natural wet landforms along the major rivers and streams on the Osaka Plain. As the area developed, dry fields became irrigated, and the lowland fields were filled and converted to urban land uses. For the Osaka city...
journal article 2014
Nieuwenhuis, J.G. (author), Hooimeijer, P. (author)
Many studies have examined the effects of neighbourhoods on educational out-comes. The results of these studies are often conflicting, even if the same independ-ent variables (such as poverty, educational climate, social disorganisation, or ethnic composition) are used. A systematic meta-analysis may help to resolve this lack of external...
report 2014
Broekhans, B. (author), Duijn, M. (author), Ellen, G.J. (author), Hooimeijer, F.L. (author), van Alphen, J. (author)
Er is een toenemende internationale belangstelling voor de ‘Deltabenadering’. Regelmatig presenteren deskundigen en beleidsmakers aan buitenlanders Nederlandse kennis van waterveiligheid en kunde in het maken van grote waterveiligheidsplannen. In dit artikel besteden we bijzondere aandacht aan het managen van die kennis ten behoeve van het maken...
journal article 2014
Hooimeijer, F.L. (author), Maring, L. (author)
Stedenbouwers moeten meer oog krijgen voor de ondergrond. De bodem speelt immers een belangrijke rol in de stedelijke klimaatopgave en bij energietransitie. Hier kostenbewust mee omgaan is in het huidig economisch tij een aparte opgave. Een veerkrachtig ontwerp brengt het ecosysteem en klimaat samen èn neemt de dynamiek van bodem en ondergrond mee.
journal article 2013
Nieuwenhuis, J. (author), Hooimeijer, P. (author), Van Ham, M. (author), Meeus, W. (author)
In the neighbourhood effects literature, the socialisation mechanism is usually investigated by looking at the association between neighbourhood characteristics and educational attainment. The step in between, that adolescents actually internalise educational norms held by residents, is often assumed. We attempt to fill this gap by looking at...
journal article 2013
Hooimeijer, F.L. (author), Puts, H. (author)
report 2013
Hooimeijer, F.L. (author)
De hedendaagse verandering in de water- en energiebalans door de klimaatontwikkelingen en het opraken van fossiele brandstoffen vraagt om een andere manier van – en een andere visie op en voor - stadsontwikkeling. Door de duurzaamheids- en klimaatopgave wordt hoe de stad “gemaakt” weer belangrijker omdat er aansluiting gemaakt moet worden met...
conference paper 2013
Hooimeijer, F.L. (author)
Publication of the exhibition and symposium on water adaptive urban planning and architecture in Bangkok. The Urban Fine Dutch Tradition is a dynamic tradition of making urban designs using the parameters of the natural system – incorperating in an efficient way the hydrological cycle, the soil and subsurface conditions, technology and urban...
conference paper 2012
Elsinga, J. (author), Hooimeijer, F.L. (author), Slob, A. (author)
De Deltabeslissing Ruimtelijke Adaptatie richt zich op het verbinden van de wateropgave met ruimtelijke opgaven in gebieden en het op een kwalitatief goede manier ruimte maken voor water. Om deze beslissing te kunnen onderbouwen, werkt het Deltaprogramma Nieuwbouw en Herstructurering langs twee inhoudelijke sporen: ruimtelijke inrichting en...
journal article 2012
Hooimeijer, F.L. (author)
Climate change brings larger and more frequent rainstorms and Dutch cities are confronted with water nuisance. The urban water systems are unable to deal with this change in the hydrological cycle in spite of the fact that the Dutch are dealing with this condition for centuries. The question is: What is the tradition of building in wet and soft...
doctoral thesis 2011
Hooimeijer, F.L. (author)
The planning culture in the Netherlands is based on the experience of building cities on very wet and soft soils. The design of Dutch polder cities was from early on a balance between land and water: building site preparation. The relation between technological development and urban development can be ordered in six phases: natural (-1000),...
journal article 2010
Avermaete, T.L.P. (author), Hooimeijer, F.L. (author), Schrijver, L.S. (author)
journal article 2006
Hooimeijer, M.A. (author)
doctoral thesis 2001
Battjes, J.A. (author), Booij, N. (author), Hooimeijer, M.A. (author)
lecture notes 1999
Hooimeijer, C.J. (author), Joha, A.C. (author)
Document(en) uit de collectie Chemische Procestechnologie
report 1978
Broekhans, B. (author), Duijn, M. (author), Ellen, G.J. (author), Hooimeijer, F. (author), Van Alphen, J. (author)
Er is een toenemende internationale belangstelling voor de ‘Deltabenadering’. Regelmatig presenteren deskundigen en beleidsmakers aan buitenlanders Nederlandse kennis van waterveiligheid en kunde in het maken van grote waterveiligheidsplannen. In dit artikel besteden we bijzondere aandacht aan het managen van die kennis ten behoeve van het maken...
journal article
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