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Sub-seasonal soil moisture anomaly forecasting using combinations of deep learning, based on the reanalysis soil moisture records
Sub-seasonal soil moisture anomaly forecasting using combinations of deep learning, based on the reanalysis soil moisture records
Near-real-time satellite precipitation data ingestion into peak runoff forecasting models
Near-real-time satellite precipitation data ingestion into peak runoff forecasting models
Model-Based Assessment of Preventive Drought Management Measures’ Effect on Droughts Severity
Model-Based Assessment of Preventive Drought Management Measures’ Effect on Droughts Severity
Multivariate regression trees as an “explainable machine learning” approach to explore relationships between hydroclimatic characteristics and agricultural and hydrological drought severity
Multivariate regression trees as an “explainable machine learning” approach to explore relationships between hydroclimatic characteristics and agricultural and hydrological drought severity: case of study Cesar River basin
Locating Multiple Leaks in Water Distribution Networks Combining Physically Based and Data-Driven Models and High-Performance Computing
Locating Multiple Leaks in Water Distribution Networks Combining Physically Based and Data-Driven Models and High-Performance Computing
St-corabico: A spatiotemporal object-based bias correction method for storm prediction detected by satellite
A Spatially Enhanced Data-Driven Multimodel to Improve Semiseasonal Groundwater Forecasts in the High Plains Aquifer, USA
A Spatially Enhanced Data-Driven Multimodel to Improve Semiseasonal Groundwater Forecasts in the High Plains Aquifer, USA
Large-scale exploratory analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of climate projections: applying the STRIVIng toolbox
Large-scale exploratory analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of climate projections: applying the STRIVIng toolbox
Spatiotemporal Drought Analysis at Country Scale Through the Application of the STAND Toolbox
Spatiotemporal Drought Analysis at Country Scale Through the Application of the STAND Toolbox
A Comparison of Spatial–Temporal Scale Between Multiscalar Drought Indices in the South Central Region of Vietnam
A Comparison of Spatial–Temporal Scale Between Multiscalar Drought Indices in the South Central Region of Vietnam
Optimal operation of the Eastern Nile System using Genetic Algorithm, and benefits distribution of water resources development
Optimal operation of the Eastern Nile System using Genetic Algorithm, and benefits distribution of water resources development
Impact of water resources development on water availability for hydropower production and irrigated agriculture of the Eastern Nile basin
Impact of water resources development on water availability for hydropower production and irrigated agriculture of the Eastern Nile basin
Altitudinal analysis of carbon stocks in the Antisana páramo, Ecuadorian Andes
Altitudinal analysis of carbon stocks in the Antisana páramo, Ecuadorian Andes
Spatial and temporal variations' of characidae habitat, case study in Abras de Mantequilla wetland, Ecuador
Spatial and temporal variations' of characidae habitat, case study in Abras de Mantequilla wetland, Ecuador
Combining semi-distributed process-based and data-driven models in flow simulation: A case study of the Meuse river basin
Combining semi-distributed process-based and data-driven models in flow simulation: A case study of the Meuse river basin
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