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Bakker, C.A. (author)
Dit rapport is tot stand gekomen in het kader van het Werkprogramma Monitoring enSturing Circulaire Economie 2019-2023
report 2022
Christoph, M. (author), Cleij, D (author), Ahlström, H (author), Bakker, B. (author), Beggiato, M. (author), Borowsky, A. (author), van Egmond, R. (author), van Grondelle, E.D. (author), de Ridder, H. (author)
report 2019
Bakker, C.A. (author), van Dam, S.S. (author), de Pauw, I.C. (author), van der Grinten, B. (author), Asif, Farazee (author)
By combining the lessons learned from the four ResCoM industrial cases, a generic methodology was developed for other companies that want to engage in the development of multiple-lifecycle products. This report describes a stepwise approach for developing such products. The approach includes a suite of design tools as well as a practical case...
report 2017
Bakker, C.A. (author), Schuit, C.S.C. (author)
The aim of this study is to provide recommendations on the opportunities available to consumers, private sector and especially governments, of developed and developing economies, to address product lifetime extension. Seven products representing different lifetime expectancies by consumers for their optimal replacement moments and actual...
report 2017
Alewijn, N. (author), Bakker, L. (author), Geerts, S. (author), Mellas, Z. (author), Middelveld, C. (author), Schaafsma, B. (author), Simkens, B. (author), Van der Van der Velde, S. (author)
report 2014
Bakker, I.C. (author), Vink, P. (author), van der Voordt, D.J.M. (author), de Boon, J. (author)
In een reële werksituatie binnen de overheid is een test uitgevoerd om vast te stellen of de kleuren rood en blauw effect hebben op het welzijn, de sociale cohesie en de productiviteit tijdens vergaderingen. Werknemers hebben als testpersonen hun reguliere vergaderingen gehouden verdeeld over een drietal testruimtes: twee vergaderruimtes met...
report 2011
Klaver, G.T. (author), Joziasse, J. (author), Bakker, I. (author)
In this paper, the influence of impoundments (sluices, weirs, etc.) and stream components (tributaries, river branches, associated canals) on the metal content in water and suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Dutch part of the River Meuse is assessed using the decrease in the cadmium content of the particulate and dissolved phase during...
report 2009
de Lange, Ger (author), van der Velden, WHJ (author), Kopinga, J (author), Hanssen, R.F. (author), Marinkovic, P (author), Buma, J.T. (author), Goorden, N (author), Bakker, MAJ (author)
report 2009
Bakker, I.J.I. (author), Klaver, G.T. (author), Jansen, S. (author), Joziasse, J. (author), Van der Meulen, E.S. (author)
Transport van verontreinigingen gebonden aan slib kan een belangrijk deel uitmaken van het totale transport van deze stoffen. Het kan hierbij gaan om grote hoeveelheden die bovendien grensoverschrijdend verplaatst kunnen worden, en grote ecologische effecten teweeg kunnen brengen. Voor een goede inschatting van (ecologische) effecten en van de...
report 2008
Bakker, I.J.I. (author), Klaver, G.T. (author), Jansen, S. (author), Joziasse, J. (author)
Transport van verontreinigingen via slibdeeltjes (vooral via gesuspendeerd materiaal, daarnaast ook via ‘bedload’) kan een belangrijk aandeel vormen in het totale transport van deze stoffen. Het kan hierbij gaan om grote hoeveelheden die bovendien grensoverschrijdend verplaatst worden, en grote ecologische effecten teweeg kunnen brengen. Voor...
report 2008
Peñailillo Burgos, R. (author), Passier, H. (author), Bakker, I. (author), Delsman, J. (author), Van Vliet, M. (author)
Sediments play an important role in water resources management. In the past, hazardous contaminants from municipal and industrial wastewater effluents and from agriculture were discharged in large quantities into the water bodies and accumulated within the bottom sediments. Today, relatively unpolluted recent sediment surface layers cover older...
report 2007
Bakker, I. (author)
Since the Industrial Revolution, mankind has disturbed the natural functioning of river floodplains by a high input of contaminants in the environment. Riverine suspended matter is the most important source for elevated levels of contaminants in floodplain areas. Previous research mainly focused on processes affecting the distribution of...
report 2007
Joziasse, J. (author), Klaver, G. (author), Bakker, I. (author)
On June 19/20, 2007 a visit was paid to a suspended particulate matter (SPM) sampling and monitoring site in the Ourthe river (Liège region), between the confluence with the Vesdre river and the mouth of the Ourthe in the Meuse river. The next day, a workshop was organised in which backgrounds, methods and procedures for SPM sampling and...
report 2004
Bakker, W.T. (author)
This book deals on "Coastal Dynamics", which will be defined in a narrow sense as a mathematical theory, which starts from given equations of motion for the sediment, which leads with the continuity equation and given boundary conditions to a calculated (eventually schematized) coastal topography, which is generally a function of time. This is...
report 1998
Bakker, W.T. (author), Van de Graaff, J. (author), Kraak, A.W. (author), Smit, M.J. (author), Snip, D.W. (author), Steetzel, H.J. (author), Visser, P.J. (author)
Op 6 en 7 oktober 1994 hebben twee grootschalige damdoorbraakexperimenten plaatsgevonden in Het Zwin in Zee uwsch-Vlaanderen. Vooral het eerste experiment op 6 oktober heeft veel publicitaire aandacht getrokkcn. Op het beslissende ogenblik, het begin van de proef rondom het tijdstip van hoogwater, verliep deze proef niet volgens verwachting. Het...
report 1996
Bakker, W. (author), Geveke, K. (author), Van Rossem, B. (author)
Document(en) uit de collectie Chemische Procestechnologie
report 1995
Bakker, S.E.H. (author), Vleeshouwers, A.M.W. (author), Verkoeijen, D. (author)
Document(en) uit de collectie Chemische Procestechnologie
report 1994
Houtman, E.M. (author), Bakker, P.G. (author), de Vries, E. (author), van den Berg, J.C. (author)
report 1994
Bakker, P.G. (author), Bannink, W.J. (author)
report 1994
Bannink, W.J. (author), Bakker, P.G. (author)
report 1993
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