Searched for: faculty%3A%22Aerospace%255C%252BEngineering%22
(1 - 20 of 34)


On the use of an ultrasonic pulse-echo technique for regression rate analysis: Part II: Some experimental results
On the use of an ultrasonic pulse-echo technique for regression rate analysis: Part II: Some experimental results
Determination of the regression rate of solid fuels in solid fuel combustion chambers by means of the ultrasonic pulse-echo technique: Part I: The measurement technique
Determination of the regression rate of solid fuels in solid fuel combustion chambers by means of the ultrasonic pulse-echo technique: Part I: The measurement technique
Polynoom benaderingen voor de karakteristieke snelheid en vlam temperatuur als functie van mengverhouding en druk voor de systemen: PMMA/O2, PMMA/Lucht, PE/O2, PE/Lucht, PS/O2, PS/Lucht
Polynoom benaderingen voor de karakteristieke snelheid en vlam temperatuur als functie van mengverhouding en druk voor de systemen: PMMA/O2, PMMA/Lucht, PE/O2, PE/Lucht, PS/O2, PS/Lucht
Solid fuel combustion chamber research in the Netherlands
Solid fuel combustion chamber research in the Netherlands
Window on science visit U.S.A. March 21- April 22, 1984
Window on science visit U.S.A. March 21- April 22, 1984
Computer programma voor het regel/bedieningssysteem van de gastoevoerinstallatie voor de vaste brandstof verbrandingskamer
Computer programma voor het regel/bedieningssysteem van de gastoevoerinstallatie voor de vaste brandstof verbrandingskamer
Solid fuel combustion chamber: Progress report V: Fourth phase January-June 1984
Solid fuel combustion chamber: Progress report V: Fourth phase January-June 1984
On the analytic calculation of premixed flames
On the analytic calculation of premixed flames
Solid fuel combustion chamber progress report IV: Third fase, July-December 1983
Solid fuel combustion chamber progress report IV: Third fase, July-December 1983
Combustion of four composite propellants at subatmospheric pressures
Combustion of four composite propellants at subatmospheric pressures
Application of solid fuel combustion chambers for power plants and coal gasification
Application of solid fuel combustion chambers for power plants and coal gasification
Solid fuel combustion chamber progress report III: Second phase Januari - June 1983
Solid fuel combustion chamber progress report III: Second phase Januari - June 1983
Solid fuel combustion chamber progress report II: First phase July - December 1982
Solid fuel combustion chamber progress report II: First phase July - December 1982
Low pressure combustion characteristics of composite propellant
Low pressure combustion characteristics of composite propellant
Solid fuel combustion chamber: Progress report I: Initial phase (until July 1982)
Solid fuel combustion chamber: Progress report I: Initial phase (until July 1982)
Experimental investigation of the Helmholtz resonator burner; Three months at China lake
Experimental investigation of the Helmholtz resonator burner; Three months at China lake
Het stoken van de brandbare fracties uit huisvuil in een Vaste Brandstof Verbrandings-Kamer
Het stoken van de brandbare fracties uit huisvuil in een Vaste Brandstof Verbrandings-Kamer
The DAEDUT/PMLTNO hybrid rocket motor facilities
The DAEDUT/PMLTNO hybrid rocket motor facilities
Verslag van een studiereis naar California van 12 t/m 26 januari 1980
Verslag van een studiereis naar California van 12 t/m 26 januari 1980
Digital data reduction algorithm for oscillatory signals with an application to L*-instability
Digital data reduction algorithm for oscillatory signals with an application to L*-instability
Searched for: faculty%3A%22Aerospace%255C%252BEngineering%22
(1 - 20 of 34)
