M Alvarez Grima

9 records found


Rock cutting is a challenging process. Heavy equipment, large cutting forces, high wear rates and large amounts of required energy are common challenges when cutting rock. Traditionally, rock cutting is based on a linear motion of the cutting tool. However, a significant improvem ...
The cutting of saturated rock is of importance to the deep sea mining, dredging and drilling industries. The presence of a fluid in the pores and surrounding the rock can significantly alter the cutting process compared to dry rock cutting through hydrostatic pressure and velocit ...


Many farms of wind turbines are being installed worldwide as a response to clean energy targets. These farms are usually installed in offshore environments since limitations of space can be encountered or due to public pressure against the visual disruption that farms can cause i ...
During the last decade, the focus of offshore activities have shifted from oil and gas production to offshore wind farm creation to reach the clean energy targets set by different nations. Foundation requirements for offshore structures have shifted because of this. The monolithi ...
The Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers (TSHD) are typically used for the transportation of soil. The soil in the hopper can be removed by hydraulic transport using water jets and the discharge at the bottom level of the hopper. The soil fluidization and transportation is jet assist ...