A Health Index model (HI model) for Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) operating in tropical environment has been proposed in this paper. The model has the foundation on the condition assessment of subsystems of components in GIS. The condition indicators (CI) were captured from the
A Health Index model (HI model) for Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) operating in tropical environment has been proposed in this paper. The model has the foundation on the condition assessment of subsystems of components in GIS. The condition indicators (CI) were captured from the Routine Visual Inspection (RVI) and the Diagnostic Test and Measurements (DM) on GIS. After then, a set of "norms" translates the condition indicators into one of logarithmic-base 3 condition codes (CC), before finally converted into an index from 1 to 5. Failure Susceptibility Indicators (FSI) have also been introduced in the model. FSI might initiate an onset of a failure mode, but it is not part of the asset health index. Triggers for FSI can be due to three factors, namely, environmental, GIS’ operational experience, GIS’ design/ make. The final output of the model consists of an index and a worksheet of FSIs coded with colors.@en