
19 records found


Building Blocks for High Performance Sparse Linear Algebra on Heterogeneous Systems

While many of the architectural details of future exascale-class high performance computer systems are still a matter of intense research, there appears to be a general consensus that they will be strongly heterogeneous, featuring “standard” as well as “accelerated” resources. To ...


A Pipelined, Hybrid-Parallel Iterative Solver Toolkit

The increasing complexity of hardware and software environments in high-performance computing poses big challenges on the development of sustainable and hardware-efficient numerical software. This article addresses these challenges in the context of sparse solvers. Existing solut ...


A library for easier application-level Checkpoint/Restart and Automatic Fault Tolerance

In order to efficiently use the future generations of supercomputers, fault tolerance and power consumption are two of the prime challenges anticipated by the High Performance Computing (HPC) community. Checkpoint/Restart (CR) has been and still is the most widely used technique ...


Equipping sparse solvers for exascale

The ESSEX project has investigated programming concepts, data structures, and numerical algorithms for scalable, efficient, and robust sparse eigenvalue solvers on future heterogeneous exascale systems. Starting without the burden of legacy code, a holistic performance engineerin ...


Equipping sparse solvers for exascale

The ESSEX project investigates computational issues arising at exascale for large-scale sparse eigenvalue problems and develops programming concepts and numerical methods for their solution. The project pursues a coherent co-design of all software layers where a holistic performa ...
Developments in numerical simulation of flows and high-performance computing influence one another. More detailed simulation methods create a permanent need for more computational power, while new hardware developments often require changes to the software to exploit new hardware ...
There are several factorizations of multidimensional tensors into lower-dimensional components, known as ``tensor networks."" We consider the popular ``tensor-train"" (TT) format and ask, How efficiently can we compute a low-rank approximation from a full tensor on current multic ...
We develop a computationally and numerically efficient method to calculate binding energies and corresponding wave functions of quantum mechanical three-body problems in low dimensions. Our approach exploits the tensor structure of the multidimensional stationary Schrödinger equa ...
The symmetric sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SymmSpMV) is an important building block for many numerical linear algebra kernel operations or graph traversal applications. Parallelizing SymmSpMV on today's multicore platforms with up to 100 cores is difficult due to the need ...
Block variants of the Jacobi-Davidson method for computing a few eigenpairs of a large sparse matrix are known to improve the robustness of the standard algorithm when it comes to computing multiple or clustered eigenvalues. In practice, however, they are typically avoided becaus ...
General matrix-matrix multiplications (GEMM) in vendor-supplied BLAS libraries are best optimized for square matrices but often show bad performance for tall & skinny matrices, which are much taller than wide. Nvidia’s current CUBLAS implementation delivers only a fraction of the ...
General matrix-matrix multiplications with double-precision real and complex entries (DGEMM and ZGEMM) in vendor-supplied BLAS libraries are best optimized for square matrices but often show bad performance for tall & skinny matrices, which are much taller than wide. NVIDIA’s cur ...
We developed a finite volume package FVM and a solver HYMLS, both based on elements of the Trilinos EPETRA-package (see HYMLS is a linear system solver for steady state incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled to transport equations in 2 and 3D ...
We first briefly report on the status and recent achievements of the ELPA-AEO (Eigen value Solvers for Petaflop Applications—Algorithmic Extensions and Optimizations) and ESSEX II (Equipping Sparse Solvers for Exascale) projects. In both collaboratory efforts, scientists from the ...
We describe our recent attempts to produce effective parallel block preconditioners by employing the open source finite element package Elmer. Two example problems corresponding to the computational simulation of land ice flow and the high-fidelity modelling of small acoustical d ...
We perform a numerical study of a two-component reaction–diffusion model. By using numerical continuation methods, combined with state-of-the-art sparse linear and eigenvalue solvers, we systematically compute steady state solutions and analyze their stability and relations in bo ...
Methods for the solution of sparse eigenvalue problems that are based on spectral projectors and contour integration have recently attracted more and more attention. Such methods require the solution of many shifted sparse linear systems of full size. In most of the literature co ...
In present-day forward time stepping ocean-climate models, capturing both the wind-driven and thermohaline components, a substantial amount of CPU time is needed in a so-called spin-up simulation to determine an equilibrium solution. In this paper, we present methodology based on ...
To understand the physics and dynamics of the ocean circulation, techniques of numerical bifurcation theory such as continuation methods have proved to be useful. Up to now these techniques have been applied to models with relatively few (O (105)) degrees of freedom such as multi ...


1 records found

This thesis aims to develop an advanced numerical solver capable of efficiently computing the resonant states of quantum mechanical two-body and three-body problems, thereby expanding our understanding of these complex systems. The quantum three-body problems feature at least two ...