Soufiane Bouarfa

5 records found

Motivated by the need to understand and further optimize AOC decision making processes under uncertainty, this paper implements and evaluates the effects of operational uncertainties using Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation. The specific application concerns a challenging scena ...
Airline and train operations are feasible thanks to the Command and Control systems which involve interactions between human operators, technology, and procedures. In view of the expected growing demand, significant changes in these C2 systems are in development in many countries ...
This paper proposes and evaluates a new airline disruption management strategy using multi-agent system modelling, simulation, and verification. This new strategy is based on a multi-agent negotiation protocol and is compared with three airline strategies based on established ind ...
Deep learning can be used to automate aircraft maintenance visual inspection. This can help increase the accuracy of damage detection, reduce aircraft downtime, and help prevent inspection accidents. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of this method in su ...
Convolutional Neural Networks combined with autonomous drones are increasingly seen as enablers of partially automating the aircraft maintenance visual inspection process. Such an innovative concept can have a significant impact on aircraft operations. Though supporting aircraft ...