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GB van Baren
Academic Work (9)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (2)
Report (5)
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9 records found
A generic maintenance technician performance model for application in a causal model of air transport
Report (2008) -
ALC Roelen (author)
GB van Baren (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
K Krugla (author)
A generic air traffic controller performance model for application in a causal model of air transport
Report (2008) -
ALC Roelen (author)
GB van Baren (author)
P.H. Lin (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
D. Kurowicka (author)
Dorota Kurowicka (author)
Roger M. Cooke (author)
R. M. Cooke (author)
RM Cooke (author)
R.M. Cooke (author)
Roger Cooke (author)
A generic flight crew performance model for application in a causal model of air transport
Report (2007) -
ALC Roelen (author)
GB van Baren (author)
JW Smeltink (author)
P.H. Lin (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
Safety assessment of the I-Wake singel runway arrival operation with reduced separation
Report (2007) -
LJP Speijker (author)
GB van Baren (author)
R.M. Cooke (author)
Roger M. Cooke (author)
RM Cooke (author)
R. M. Cooke (author)
Roger Cooke (author)
A generic flight crew performance model for application in a hybrid causal model software prototype (IRIS) for safety assessment and management of aviation systems
Report (2007) -
ALC Roelen (author)
GB van Baren (author)
JW Smeltink (author)
P.H. Lin (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
Finite-difference modeling of scalar-wave propagation in cracked media
Journal article (2001) -
GB van Baren (author)
WA Mulder (author)
GC Herman (author)
Finite-difference modeling in media with many small-scale cracks
Journal article (2001) -
GB van Baren (author)
GC Herman (author)
Sub-grid finite-difference modeling of wave propagation and diffusion in cracked media
Conference paper (2000) -
? Kusnandi (author)
GB van Baren (author)
WA Mulder (author)
GC Herman (author)
V van Antwerpen (author)
Sub-grid finite-difference modelling in cracked media
Conference paper (1999) -
GB van Baren (author)
WA Mulder (author)
GC Herman (author)