Martin Ebner


8 records found

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) sind in den letzten Jahren in aller Munde, wenn es darum geht, technologiegestütztes Lernen für große Zielgruppen zu verwirklichen. MOOCs bieten dabei kostenlose Bildung mit offenem Zugang an, sowohl für die breite Öffentlichkeit als auch für s ...

Confidence in and beliefs about first-year engineering student success

Case study from KU Leuven, TU Delft, and TU Graz

This paper explores the confidence starting first-year engineering students have in being successful in the first study year and which study-related behaviour they believe to be important to this end. Additionally, this paper studies which feedback these students would like to re ...
In recent years, massive open online courses (MOOCs) led the road into a new era of learning environment systems. Since 2008, e-Learning witnessed a new type of course which is massive in student numbers, open for anyone, and available for all without limitations. MOOCs integrate ...

Learning dashboard for supporting students

From first-year engineering to MOOC students

Learning dashboard for supporting students

From first-year engineering to MOOC students

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been a hype in technology enhanced learning systems the last couple of years. The promises behind MOOCs stand on delivering free and open education to the public, as well as training a large criterion of students. However, MOOCs clashes se ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) require students’ motivation either intrinsically or extrinsically to complete any of its courses. Even though MOOCs enjoy great popularity and bring many benefits to the educational community, some concerns arise with MOOC advancement. In fact ...
A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a type of online learning environment that has the potential to increase students' access to education. However, the low completion rates in MOOCs suggest that student engagement and progression in the courses are problematic. Following the ...