
David van den Berg


3 records found

Intervening on Negative Voices in Daily Life

Preliminary Findings of the Temstem RCT

While most voice hearers benefit from antipsychotic medication or cognitive behavior therapy, additional effective interventions are needed to reduce the burden of experiencing AVH, especially in everyday life. ‘Temstem’ is an easily accessible and usable smartphone application t ...

Intervening on Negative Voices in Daily Life

Preliminary Findings of the Temstem RCT

While most voice hearers benefit from antipsychotic medication or cognitive behavior therapy, additional effective interventions are needed to reduce the burden of experiencing AVH, especially in everyday life. ‘Temstem’ is an easily accessible and usable smartphone application t ...
Background: Temstem is a smartphone app developed with and for clinical voice hearing individuals with the aim to reduce their voice hearing distress and improve social functioning. Methods: A randomized controlled trial with adult outpatients suffering from distressing and frequ ...


1 records found

Redesigning Psychiatry

A strategic repertoire to stimulate transition in the mental healthcare sector

The mental healthcare system in the Netherlands is in dire need of anupdate. With 90,000 people on the waiting list, an urgent shortage instaff, regular occurrence of ‘incorrect’ diagnoses, and a persistentstigma on mental health, this was exactly what was on RedesigningPsychiatr ...