
P.S. van der Putt


20 records found

A Home for the expat in Amsterdam

An International Neighbourhood Tower

This building focuses on living together and creating a community for the Expats in Amsterdam. By creating units that include smaller residential communities with transition zones for private-, community- and public life in the city. The building attempts to provide a stimulus fo ...

Feeling at home

Find the similarities, cherish the differences

A graduation research into the topic feeling at home for the heterogeneous modern household group single-person households. This research forms the basis of a design project for Merwe-Vierhaven in Rotterdam, where the concepts of comfort, social interaction, feeling of safety and ...

Housing Affordability in Amsterdam

Mid-income Rental Housing

The city of Amsterdam grows annually with approximately 12,000 inhabitants. However, one of the problems Amsterdam encounters is the fact that the housing stock appears to be scarce. Especially for the low- and mid-income group it is very difficult to find suitable housing. The m ...

Families out on the street

Accommodating modern families in Amsterdam

Families are leaving the city of Amsterdam, mainly due to a lack of safety, child friendly outdoor spaces and affordable and appropriate size housing. Yet many of them do want to stay in the city, and the city wants to maintain them too, as they are important for the whole circle ...

Creative Synergy

Towards a synergy fostering environment for creatives in Rotterdam

The presence of creatives or the ‘creative class’ is observed to act as a stimulant for regional and local urban transformation and gentrification. Global statistics state that the creative industry serves as a major economic driving force of the twenty- first century. For Rotter ...

The Fertile City

Raising Food Awareness Through Architecture

Cities are attracting people increasingly because of the work opportunities, universities and wide range of facilities. It is estimated that the world population will grow up to 10 billion people by 2050 with the majority living in cities. In Europe 80% of the population will liv ...


Metropolitan high-rise living in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is currently experiencing a period of significant growth, demographically as well as economically. It is becoming more international, more affluent, but also more crowded. In the process, the city's status as 'werelddorp' is changing into that of a metropolis. Such a sc ...

Social Synergyst

The city - Place for all; Exploring the possibilities to attract families back in the city through the case of the Expat families

In the recent decades the economies became more dependent on knowledge - based activities - scientific research, technology, trade, finance. Therefore, the industries strive to be competitive in these categories on global level. In order to achieve that, they need an internationa ...

The Urban of Art

Designing a live-work building for art and culture

The theme of the Dutch Housing Studio was that of the Inclusive City. So the goal was to improve the inclusivity of the modern city, Rotterdam in this case. The focus of this design project was artists. The research goes into artists and their issues, gentrification and possible ...

De starterskas

Compact apartments for starters in a food conscious environment

Amsterdam is like many other cities facing several problems in the coming future. For my graduation project especially two project are important. Firstly, our food system is under a lot of pressure. Worldwide we are not able to feed the global population. On a smaller scale the ...

The Butterfly

A sense of home, community and integration for expat families in Amsterdam

Attracting foreign talents is crucial for governments and companies for a strong international competitive position. However, the Netherlands are falling behind in attracting foreign knowledge workers, despite the fact that we are one of the top competing economies. So, to boost ...

Inclusion by design

Research into a suitable form of housing and inclusion of vulnerable target groups in Amsterdam

In recent years, Dutch society has been in transition. The traditional welfare state is being transformed into a participation society, where citizens are self-reliant and less dependent on the government. Due to changes in society and new insights into the importance of inclusi ...

The collective living street

Flexible and affordable family dwellings in the city center of Amsterdam

Collective dwelling design for the new urban middle income family. Attention is paid to enhance social interaction. The design forms a proposal for flexible and affordable family dwellings to keep the middle class in (the city center) of Amsterdam.

Urban woods

Open neighborhood in Rotterdam

“Urban woods” is a project that investigates the problems of the segregation and social exclusion in the cities today. Urban environments become more and more diverse, which often leads to lack of social cohesion on the neighborhood scale. This master thesis focuses on the target ...


Raising food awareness in the future city

The studio that I chose to participate was ‘Dutch Housing: Stronghold Amsterdam’. The topic of this studio as mentioned in its studio manual concerns problems with ecology, climate, overpopulation, mass-migration, a shifting global power balance, changing demographics, etc., citi ...
There is a transition in the development of cities. The car-based urbanization is shifting into a pedestrian and bike based urbanization. This is the effect of the transition in society because the fossil-fuel based society is changing into a renewable energy-based society. Citi ...

Onbeperkt Wonen

Living independently in a stimulating residential environment for young people with a mild intellectual disability

“In which way can the design of the residential environment contribute to the social self-reliance of young people with a mild intellectual disability?” We are facing a huge challenge in the Netherlands: we have to build up to ‘1 Million Homes’ by 2030. But such a huge assignmen ...

De Omarming

A dementia friendly living environment

A living environment designed for elderly people and elderly people with dementia. If the residents, the elderly people, gets dementia they will be able to continue their life in the same, trusted living environment, without moving to other living environments.

Places of Belonging for the Displaced

Thuisplekken voor Ontheemden

The starting point for this graduation project was a fascination with how architects can design for people who live at the margins of society, people that are invisible to many. The research was an investigation into places of belonging of displaced people in the Netherlands. In ...


Life in New Media

New Media has brought about a change in our lifestyles, a change in how we do our work, the possibility of working more flexibly, but also the creation of new jobs. Nowadays New Media can’t be separated anymore from the way that we do our work. New Media workers specifically are ...