Geoffrey T. Parks


20 records found

Multi-material selection

Material selection for sandwich beams

In order to fulfill increasingly stringent design criteria, designers may need to consider more advanced engineering materials. One way to improve the performance of materials is to combine different monolithic materials in such a way as to capture the best qualities of both. Suc ...

Metamorphic development

A new topology optimization method for truss structures

This paper introduces Metamorphic Development (MD), a novel topology optimization method for truss structures with discrete member lengths and sizes. The method enables a structure to develop through both growth and degeneration towards an optimal topology, minimizing structural ...
The complexity of modern gas turbine engines has led to the adoption of a modular design approach, in which a conceptual design phase fixes the values for a number of parameters and dimensions in order to facilitate the subdivision of the overall task into a number of simpler des ...
The design of gas turbine engines is a complex problem. This complexity has led to the adoption of a modular design approach, in which a conceptual design phase fixes the values for some global parameters and dimensions in order to facilitate the subdivision of the overall task i ...
The design of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) system is an energy management strategy problem between two sources of power. Traditionally, the drive train has been designed first, and then a driving strategy chosen and sometimes optimised. This paper considers the simultaneous op ...

Metamorphic Development

A new topology optimization method for continuum structures

An effective optimization procedure for finding structural shapes and topologies that minimize structural compliance and weight subject to stress and deflection constraints is presented. This new approach, called `Metamorphic Development' (MD), can allow a structure to grow and d ...


A species conserving genetic algorithm for multimodal function optimization (Evolutionary Computation)

This paper introduces a new technique called species conservation for evolving parallel subpopulations. The technique is based on the concept of dividing the population into several species according to their similarity. Each of these species is built around a dominating individu ...
Using the design of bicycle frames as a case study, this paper explores the potential of a multiobjective extension of the shape annealing approach to conceptual design. The key elements of this approach are a randomized search based optimization method (to simulate creativity), ...
This paper presents an investigation into the motion of two-wheelers: Everyday motorcycles and bicycles. The emphasis is on controllability of the system for small lateral deviations from straight running under idealized rider control. After introduction, a discussion of the kine ...
An approach to support the computational aerodynamic design process is presented and demonstrated through the application of a novel multi-objective variant of the Tabu Search optimization algorithm for continuous problems to the aerodynamic design optimization of turbomachinery ...
As an extension of the Evolutionary Structural Optimization [ESO] method, the bidirectional ESO [BESO] method has effectively addressed various topology optimization problems. It is observed in ESO/BESO applications that the optimal solution obtained strongly depends on the finit ...
While there have been many adaptations of some of the more popular meta-heuristics for continuous multi-objective optimisation problems, Tabu Search has received relatively little attention, despite its suitability and effectiveness on a number of real-world design optimisation p ...
The selection of a material to meet given design requirements generally requires that a compromise be struck between several, usually conflicting, objectives. The problem is complicated because the decision-space is large, it is discrete rather than continuous, and the relative v ...
A novel topology/shape optimisation method for axisymmetric elastic solids, based on solid modeling and FE analysis, is presented. Optimal profiles of minimum-mass axisymmetric structures are sought by growing and degenerating simple initial structures subject to response constra ...
In this study, optimal shapes of intersecting pressure vessels are sought using a novel topology/shape optimisation method, called Metamorphic Development (MD). An industrial benchmark design problem of finding the optimal profile of variable thickness that connects a spherical s ...
In real-world optimization problems, large design spaces and conflicting objectives are often combined with a large number of constraints, resulting in a highly multi-modal, challenging, fragmented landscape. The local search at the heart of Tabu Search, while being one of its st ...
In the last 15 years, automatic design optimisation has been the subject of ever growing interest, thanks to the development of ever more reliable analysis software, efficient optimisation methods and powerful computers. Even in industrial environments, design optimisation is ext ...
The design of a gas turbine, or one of its constituent modules, is generally approached with some specific operating condition in mind (its design point). Unfortunately, engine components seldom exactly meet their specifications and do not operate at just one condition, but over ...
At present, optimization is an enabling technology in innovation. Multi-objective and multidisciplinary optimization tools are essential in the design process for real-world applications. In turbomaehinery design, these approaches give insight into the design space and identify t ...