
Paul van Duin

5 records found


Hygrothermal ageing of dry gelatine adhesive films

Microstructure-property relationships

Gelatine adhesives, also known as animal glues, are collagen-based water-soluble biopolymers derived from vertebrate connective tissues. One of the various fields in which gelatine adhesives are widely used is the conservation of cultural heritage such as decorated furniture and ...

Gelatine adhesives from mammalian and fish origins for historical art objects conservation

How do microstructural features determine physical and mechanical properties?

Gelatine adhesives aka ‘animal glues’ are water-soluble biopolymers used in historic objects such as wooden cabinets and panel paintings since ancient times. This paper investigates the correlations between microstructural features, namely triple helices, and macroscopic prope ...

Collagenous Bioadhesives

Structure-Property Correlations and Hygrothermal Ageing

Collagen-based bioadhesives, also known as animal glues, are derived from animal parts (e.g. skin, bone, and cartilage). They have been widely used in the production of decorative wood working, paintings, bookbinding, and other historical objects for centuries as well as for thei ...

Gelatins are proteinaceous natural materials that are widely used in areas such as conservation and restoration of artifacts as adhesives and consolidants, in pharmaceutics as drug delivery carriers, and in the food industry as structurants. Herein, type A porcine gelatin adhe ...

The structural preservation of panel paintings and decorated furniture as significant parts of Dutch cultural heritage, requires comprehensive knowledge on the long term behaviour of their constituent materials namely wood and animal glues. A decorated cabinet crafted by Jan van ...