Masi Mohammadi


5 records found

Erbil city built heritage and wellbeing

An assessment of local perceptions using the semantic differential scale

Community perceptions and experiences of built heritage are essential in understanding the built heritage and effect in individual and community wellbeing. Subsequently, local perceptions of built heritage directly influence the conservation and heritage-led interventions. This s ...
This research aims to reveal and discuss state-of-the-art research addressing the relation between built heritage and individuals’ subjective wellbeing (SWB). Through a systematic literature review, fifty-one studies were analyzed. Even if limited, past research confirms the subs ...
The Network of Applied Design Research (NADR), established in 2016, has played a crucial role in shaping the field of Applied Design Research. The specific role of Applied Design Research was discussed during the Dutch Design Week 2018, under the theme "Applied Design Research as ...
The Network of Applied Design Research (NADR), established in 2016, has played a crucial role in shaping the field of Applied Design Research. The specific role of Applied Design Research was discussed during the Dutch Design Week 2018, under the theme "Applied Design Research as ...
Beelden van Applied Design Research. Onderzoekers bestuderen de wereld zoals die is. Ontwerpers willen de wereld veranderen. Applied design research is een vorm van praktijkgericht onderzoek waarin beide benaderingen worden geïntegreerd, om nieuwe kennis op te doen én om praktisc ...