Andreas Rais
7 records found
Mechanical properties of wood such as stiffness and strength vary locally especially due to heterogeneities and anisotropy. Analytical models and numerical simulations of wooden boards are able to represent varying material orientation e.g. with local fiber directions from laser
The conversion to climate-stable, resilient and productive forests has resulted in an increasing share of mixed stands. Different growth conditions and silvicultural treatments lead to an increased scatter in strength compared to what is expected from monoculture experience. The
The market share of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) wood in the construction sector is low despite an increase in beech stock in Central European Forests in recent years. More efficient sawing techniques, higher lamella grading yields and solving of adhesion challenges may in
This study analyses a tree's short-term allocation pattern under varying weather conditions. Based on a sample of 311 stem discs of the stem boles from 92 European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees, the annual stem taper was calculated retrospectively over multiple decades and lin
Crown structure of european beech (Fagus sylvatica)
A noncausal proxy for mechanical–physical wood properties
The current tendency towards the silvicultural promotion of mixed tree species has increased the variability in the crown structure within stands. This study shows how neighbouring trees can influence both the external crown features and internal wood properties of trees. Using t
In central Europe forests, the share of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees has been increased in the last decades. Machine strength grading of hardwood is challenging due to a lack of knowledge about strength predictors. However, high strength classes are needed for the ut
Impact of spacing and pruning on quantity, quality and economics of Douglas-fir sawn timber
Scenario and sensitivity analysis
Controlling the long-term effect of management on the quantity and properties of individual boards is a fundamental challenge for silviculture. Within this basic study on Douglas-fir, we have investigated the sensitivity of the net present value (NPV) to three most common plantin