C.M. Dijkstra

9 records found


This article describes the discussion about the felling of planted avenues due to road safety.@en
This article describes the definition of planted avenues with it's seven perspectives on the influence of planted avenues.@en
This article describes the four most important locations of avenues and design principles. Planted avenues were created on and next to country estates, in cities (as part of the urban fabric), along main roads through the open landscape, and in reclaimed landscapes. @en

What makes a tree

Perspective on design, planning, management and policy-making around tree avenues


Over de onlosmakelijke relatie tussen bomen en wegen

This books describes from multiple perspective the importance of planted avenues@en


Biedt praktische informatie voor burgers en professionals

Cutting trees because of traffic issues is leading to emotion of people living closeby. The book Planted Avenues. About the inseperable relation between roads and trees is helping to be well informed in the societal debate on felling trees.@en
This paper advocates a renewed attitude towards our urban nature, recognizing its trees as green heritage with the capability to increase the liveability of urban areas (SDG11). Planting trees in the Dutch public space started in the seventeenth century and cities became famous f ...
1.Domain & Initiative2. Embedding 3.Scope & Focus 4.Research Projects & Initiatives 5.Education 6.Valorization 7.Outcomes & Deliverables 8.Advisory Board 9.Researchers 10.Areas for further research 11. Graduation Lab Urban Forestry 12. References@en
Het kabinet steekt 50 miljoen euro in het veiliger maken van autowegen buiten de bebouwde kom. Minister Van Nieuwenhuizen wil op gevaarlijke punten vangrails plaatsen en bomen verwijderen. Maar ligt de kern van het verkeersprobleem wel in de bomen naast de wegen?@en