Angel Arantegui

3 records found


This paper presents the first integrated regional outcrop-based sedimentological study of the northern Aaiun-Tarfaya Basin located in Morocco (NW Africa). The Lower Cretaceous Tan-Tan Formation has been subdivided into six new members and placed within a sequence stratigraphic fr ...

The Sidi Ifni transect across the rifted margin of Morocco (Central Atlantic)

Vertical movements constrained by low-temperature thermochronology

The occurrence of km-scale exhumations during syn- and post-rift stages has been documented along Atlantic continental margins, which are also characterised by basins undergoing substantial subsidence. The relationship between the exhuming and subsiding domains is poorly under ...

Traditional models of passive margin evolution suggesting generalised regional subsidence with rates decreasing after the break-up have been questioned in the last decade by a number of detailed studies. The occurrence of episodic km-scale exhumation well within the post-rift sta ...