32 records found


Future power systems, in which generation will come almost entirely from variable Renewable Energy Sources (vRES), will be characterized by weather-driven supply and flexible demand. In a simulation of the future Dutch power system, we analyze whether there are sufficient incenti ...

This study explores the complexities surrounding the adoption of decentralised Renewable Energy Technologies in Spain, crucial for transitioning towards a renewable energy-driven economy. Through a systematic review of both scientific and grey literature, key factors influenci ...

Identifying districts’ potential to become Positive Energy Districts (PED) is challenging but strategic since they are considered critical enablers for cities’ carbon neutrality. PEDs are city areas with a positive annual energy balance, achieved primarily through energy effic ...

The intermittent nature of the renewable energy sources with the greater potential, wind and solar, requires dealing with temporary mismatches between demand and supply. The object of this study is to assess the Spanish energy plan from a system perspective regarding the energy s ...
This research aims to diagnose the energy performance of buildings in València and identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved. The energy performance results of all 129,487 EPCs in the city were mapped and compared to socioeconomic variables to gain insights into the ...

Panel or Check?

Assessing the Benefits of Integrating Families in Fuel Poverty to Energy Communities

This research raises the possibility for households in energy poverty to participate in energy communities to alleviate their energy costs, having their investment costs paid by public institutions. The study starts from the current solution for vulnerable households based on pub ...
Gender studies have highlighted how policies and actions that are not drafted and planned with a gender perspective tend to produce a gender bias. Climate policies are not an exception. Measures to mitigate and adapt cities to climate change might lead to undesired outcomes regar ...
The adoption of distributed energy resources such as PV cells, electric vehicles and batteries in electric grids is increasing steadily. This brings new challenges for distribution networks. The current network tariffs were not designed for these types of usage and, in many cases ...

Planning positive energy districts in urban water fronts

Approach to La Marina de València, Spain

Cities consume two-thirds of the energy supply, and 70% of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions come from urban environments. Positive Energy Districts are innovative tools to achieve energy and climate neutrality in cities. Positive Energy Districts are regions or neighbourhoods ...
Local energy communities require tools to select their most fitting community members, power-sharing strategy and technologies for their goals. This work aims to develop a model and a methodology to optimise local energy communities. We evaluate the presence of a battery energy s ...

Forecasting energy demand in isolated rural communities

A comparison between deterministic and stochastic approaches

Off-grid renewable energy grids will contribute to the achievement of SDG 7 on universal energy access, especially in off-grid communities. But the scarcity of resources for development aid requires very tight designs that minimize the cost of investment and operation of the mini ...

The flexibility gap

Socioeconomic and geographical factors driving residential flexibility

Residential consumers are moving to the center of electricity systems and their flexibility is seen as a key resource to integrate renewable energy sources and support the grid. However, residential flexibility capacities are not homogeneous, as they depend on household appliance ...
Demand response is a key element of future power systems due to its capacity to defer grid investments, improve demand participation in the market, and absorb renewable energy source variations. In this regard, demand response can play an important role in delivering ancillary se ...

Local energy communities in spain

Economic implications of the new tariff and variable coefficients

The European Union advocates for legislative support to local energy communities. Measures include the promotion of dynamic energy allocation and discriminatory electricity tariffs such as the recent Spanish framework. However, the impact of these normative changes is not yet eva ...

Hybrid assessment for a hybrid microgrid

A novel methodology to critically analyse generation technologies for hybrid microgrids

Eighty per cent of the people without access to electricity live in rural areas. Due to high investment costs in the grid, the solution to providing electricity to these people will mainly rely on the installation of islanded hybrid microgrids. Designers need to consider a variet ...

Demand Response participation in Ancillary Services

A set of regulatory proposals for policymakers in Spain

Demand response is a key tool to integrate renewable energy sources and ensure the security of supply. In several countries, demand response programmes are widely developed and used in Ancillary Services, but the Spanish Power System presents a scarce utilisation of these resourc ...

Electrification of the boat fleet of the albufera natural park of valencia

Methodology, economic and environmental assessments

This article presents a methodology for calculating the energy needs to propose the electrification of a fleet of small boats. A technical, economic and environmental analysis of the transition to electric mobility of the fleet of boats in the wetland of the Albufera Natural Park ...
Domestic rooftop photovoltaic (PV) energy can reduce net electricity demand, and therefore reduce energy prices through a merit-order effect. This reduces profits of all incumbents in the electricity markets. In addition, in imperfectly competitive markets, PV self-generation red ...


The study delves into integrating green hydrogen technologies into the Iberian Peninsula's energy transition toward 2030, focusing on impacts and uncertainties. Both Spain and Portugal have national plans aiming to decarbonize critical sectors using renewable energies and green h ...
Climate change is a very urgent issue for our society. The European Union’s commitment is increasing, as evidenced by the Paris Agreement, and individual nations are also developing strategies to become emission-free within the next few years. This has renewed interest in hydroge ...