G. Hooghiemstra


20 records found

In this erratum, we correct a mistake in the above paper, where we were using an exchangeability result that is obviously false.@en
In this paper we study a random graph with N nodes, where node j has degree Dj and {Dj} are i.i.d. with (Dj x) = F(x). We assume that 1 - F(x) cx-+1 for some > 3 and some constant c > 0. This graph model is a variant of the so-called configuration model, and includes heavy tail d ...
We consider first passage percolation on the configuration model with n n vertices, and general independent and identically distributed edge weights assumed to have a density. Assuming that the degree distribution satisfies a uniform X 2 logX X2log⁡X-condition, we analyze the asy ...