L. Carzana


3 records found

Laser-Enhanced Solar Sailing

Modeling and Trajectory Optimization for Interplanetary Missions

When sunlight illuminates a body, a tiny pressure is exerted upon its surface due to the photons impacting on it. Such a principle forms the basis of solar sailing, in which the solar radiation pressure is used to accelerate highly reflective lightweight structures called solar s ...
Among its results, the ReDSHIFT project has developed a software tool for spacecraft operators, space agencies and research institutions to design the end-of-life of Earth-based missions and to study the interaction with the space debris environment. As part of this, the “Disposa ...
Among its results, the ReDSHIFT project has developed a software tool for spacecraft operators, space agencies and research institutions to design the end-of-life of Earth-based missions and to study the interaction with the space debris environment. As part of this, the “Disposa ...