Giuseppe Greco

5 records found


Non Normal Logics

Semantic Analysis and Proof Theory

We introduce proper display calculi for basic monotonic modal logic, the conditional logic CK and a number of their axiomatic extensions. These calculi are sound, complete, conservative and enjoy cut elimination and subformula property. Our proposal applies the multi-type methodo ...
In the present paper, we endow the logics of topological quasi Boolean algebras, topological quasi Boolean algebras 5, intermediate algebras of types 1-3, and pre-rough algebras with proper multi-type display calculi which are sound, complete, conservative, and enjoy cut eliminat ...

We introduce a proper multi-type display calculus for bilattice logic (with conflation) for which we prove soundness, completeness, conservativity, standard subformula property and cut elimination. Our proposal builds on the product representation of bilattices and applies the ...

Taking an algebraic perspective on the basic structures of Rough Concept Analysis as the starting point, in this paper we introduce some varieties of lattices expanded with normal modal operators which can be regarded as the natural rough algebra counterparts of certain subcla ...

We present a software tool for reasoning in and about propositional sequent calculi for modal logics of actions. As an example, we implement the display calculus D.EAK of dynamic epistemic logic. The tool generates embeddings of the calculus in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL ...