Ana Varbanescu

38 records found


With the increased interest in energy efficiency, a lot of application domains experiment with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), which promise customized hardware accelerators with high-performance and low power consumption. These experiments possible due to the development ...

Exploring HPC and Big Data Convergence

A Graph Processing Study on Intel Knights Landing

The question 'Can big data and HPC infrastructure converge?' has important implications for many operators and clients of modern computing. However, answering it is challenging. The hardware is currently different, and fast evolving: big data uses machines with modest numbers of ...


Towards the exploitation of eXascale technology for reconfigurable architectures

To handle the stringent performance requirements of future exascale-class applications, High Performance Computing (HPC) systems need ultra-efficient heterogeneous compute nodes. To reduce power and increase performance, such compute nodes will require hardware accelerators with ...
Graph processing is increasingly used in a variety of domains, from engineering to logistics and from scientific computing to online gaming. To process graphs efficiently, GPU-enabled graph-processing systems such as TOTEM and Medusa exploit the GPU or the combined CPU+GPU capabi ...

Can Portability Improve Performance?

An Empirical Study of Parallel Graph Analytics

Due to increasingly large datasets, graph analytics - traversals, all-pairs shortest path computations, centrality measures, etc. - are becoming the focus of high-performance computing (HPC). Because HPC is currently dominated by many-core architectures (both CPUs and GPUs), new ...
Graph processing is increasingly used in knowledge economies and in science, in advanced marketing, social networking, bioinformatics, etc. A number of graph-processing systems, including the GPU-enabled Medusa and Totem, have been developed recently. Understanding their performa ...
Cloud computing is a new paradigm for using ICT services—only when needed and for as long as needed, and paying only for service actually consumed. Benchmarking the increasingly many cloud services is crucial for market growth and perceived fairness, and for service design and tu ...