Maarten Pronk

5 records found


Data on the number of floors is required for several applications, for instance, energy demand estimation, population estimation, and flood response plans. Despite this, open data on the number of floors is very rare, even when a 3D city model is available. In practice, it is ...


The Earth's surface is a complex landscape that is essential for a wide range of applications, from urban planning to environmental monitoring. Digital models of the Earth's surface are generated through mathematical calculations using elevation data collected from various source ...
With the increasing pressure on global forests due to deforestation and habitat loss, it is more important than ever to understand our forest ecosystems on a larger scale. Canopy gap fraction is an indicator used for estimating forest biomass and better understanding of ecosystem ...
Digital Surface Models (DSMs) are commonly employed to investigate topographical characteristics and processes; however, the presence of canopy and infrastructure in urban and forested areas can lead to height biases and inaccuracies. In this study, I aim to correct such biases b ...
In the past 15 years the field of general purpose computing on graphics processing units, or GPUs, has become well developed and the practice is becoming more mainstream. Computational demands of simulation software are continuously increasing. As such for many applications tradi ...