A. Bishnoi


5 records found

A graph G is said to be q-Ramsey for a q-tuple of graphs (H1,..., Hq), denoted by G →q (H1,..., Hq), if every q-edge-coloring of G contains a monochromatic copy of Hi in color i for some i ε [q]. Let sq(H1,..., Hq) denote the smallest minimum degree of G over all graphs G that ar ...
We study the problem of determining the minimum number of affine subspaces of codimension that are required to cover all points of at least times while covering the origin at most times. The case is a classic result of Jamison, which was independently obtained by Brouwer and Schr ...
Given a finite grid in R2, how many lines are needed to cover all but one point at least k times? Problems of this nature have been studied for decades, with a general lower bound having been established by Ball and Serra. We solve this problem for various types of grids, in part ...
A well-known conjecture, often attributed to Ryser, states that the cover number of an r-partite r-uniform hypergraph is at most r−1 times larger than its matching number. Despite considerable effort, particularly in the intersecting case, this conjecture remains wide open, motiv ...
We prove that (Formula presented.), where (Formula presented.) is the Ramsey parameter introduced by Burr, Erdős and Lovász in 1976, which is defined as the smallest minimum degree of a graph (Formula presented.) such that any (Formula presented.) -colouring of the edges of (Form ...


15 records found

A Note on Integrity

ILP Modelling and Analysis on Graph Families

This thesis provides a fresh perspective on the (vertex) integrity of graphs, serving as a measure of network robustness. The study begins by introducing fundamental concepts and methods for evaluating the integrity of different graph families. An Integer Linear Programming (ILP) ...
This thesis uses the method of interlacing polynomials to study the behaviour of eigenvalues of a matrix after a rank-one update. Specifically, interlacing polynomials, common interlacing and interlacing families are exhaustively studied. These are excellent tools to find bounds ...

How can the behaviour of specialized heuristic solvers assist constraint solvers for optimization problems

A lookahead approach for Chuffed that emulates the behaviour of heuristic solvers

Constraint programming solvers provide a generalizable approach to finding solutions for optimization problems. However, when comparing the performance of constraint programming solvers to the performance of a heuristic solver for an optimization problem such as cluster editing, ...

The Impact of Charging Electric Vehicles Between Routing Instances

The Modeling of a Combined Electric Vehicle Routing and Charging Model

E-mobility, in particular electric vehicles (EVs), play a crucial role in the energy transition. While businesses are increasingly adopting EVs, there is still a lot of opportunity to grow. One aspect of this growth is the way these vehicles are used by companies, especially when ...

The Impact of Charging Electric Vehicles Between Routing Instances

The Modeling of a Combined Electric Vehicle Routing and Charging Model

E-mobility, in particular electric vehicles (EVs), play a crucial role in the energy transition. While businesses are increasingly adopting EVs, there is still a lot of opportunity to grow. One aspect of this growth is the way these vehicles are used by companies, especially when ...

k(n)-cores in the scale-free configuration model

Understanding the structure of a commonly used null model for scale-free networks

During this research, we investigate if there exists a k(n)-core in the scale-free configuration model, this is a commonly used null model to simulate networks. The scale-free configuration model produces a random graph, where the degree of every vertex is determined using a rand ...
The Game of Cycles, invented by Francis Su (2020, p.51) is an impartial game played on a graph, where players take turns marking an edge according to a set of rules. Together with the game, there also came a conjecture that gives a condition for whether a specific position is win ...
The k-truncated metric dimension of a graph is the minimum number of sensors (a subset of the vertex set) needed to uniquely identify every vertex in the graph based on its distance to the sensors, where the sensors have a measuring range of k. We give an algorithm with the goal ...
Out of Home advertising is traditional outdoor advertising. Over the last decade the digital Out of Home advertising possibilities have grown substantially. These possibilities include hour-based advertisement schedules, rapidly implemented changes to advertisements and obtaining ...
A code C is defined to be a set of S words, where a word is a sequence of n entries. We call S the size and n the length of the code. The entries of the code can have k different values, {0, .., (k − 1)}. Define a perfect k-hash code (PHC) as a code with the property that any col ...
In this thesis, we consider the threshold metric dimension problem of graphs, related to and motivated by source detection. We construct a graph G = (V,E) for a given set of sensors of size m: {s1, s2, ..., sm} and a range k > 0. We want that each node v ∈ V has a unique combinat ...
A set of lines passing through the origin in Euclidean space is called equiangular if the angle between any two lines is the same. The question of finding the maximum number of such lines, N(d) in any dimension d is an extensively studied problem. Closely related, is the problem ...
We consider the game cops and robbers, which is a pursuit-evasion game played on a graph G. The cops and the robber take turns moving across the vertices of G, where the goal for the cops is to eventually catch the robber. Specifically, we study the cop number of G, i.e. the mini ...
In this thesis, we examine the kernel-based spatial random graph (KSRG) model, which is a generalisation of many known models such as long-range percolation, scale-free percolation, the Poisson Boolean model and age-based spatial preferential attachment. We construct a KSRG from ...
Consider an arbitrary finite grid in some field. How many hyperplanes are required so that every point is contained in at least k hyperplanes, except for one point that is not allowed to be contained in any hyperplane? To solve this so-called hyperplane grid covering problem, the ...