A. Bishnoi
7 records found
Equidistributed Sequences
Optimal Stick Breaking
In 1935, J.G. van der Corput asked a question about how to evenly distribute sequences of points. By 1945, Van Aardenne-Ehrenfest found an answer, which encouraged more mathematical research. The problem they explored was how to place points evenly on a circle and keep this even
k(n)-cores in the scale-free configuration model
Understanding the structure of a commonly used null model for scale-free networks
During this research, we investigate if there exists a k(n)-core in the scale-free configuration model, this is a commonly used null model to simulate networks. The scale-free configuration model produces a random graph, where the degree of every vertex is determined using a rand
How can the behaviour of specialized heuristic solvers assist constraint solvers for optimization problems
A lookahead approach for Chuffed that emulates the behaviour of heuristic solvers
Constraint programming solvers provide a generalizable approach to finding solutions for optimization problems. However, when comparing the performance of constraint programming solvers to the performance of a heuristic solver for an optimization problem such as cluster edit ...
In this thesis, we examine the kernel-based spatial random graph (KSRG) model, which is a generalisation of many known models such as long-range percolation, scale-free percolation, the Poisson Boolean model and age-based spatial preferential attachment. We construct a KSRG from
The Game of Cycles, invented by Francis Su (2020, p.51) is an impartial game played on a graph, where players take turns marking an edge according to a set of rules. Together with the game, there also came a conjecture that gives a condition for whether a specific position is win
Out of Home advertising is traditional outdoor advertising. Over the last decade the digital Out of Home advertising possibilities have grown substantially. These possibilities include hour-based advertisement schedules, rapidly implemented changes to advertisements and obtaining
In this thesis, we consider the threshold metric dimension problem of graphs, related to and motivated by source detection.
We construct a graph G = (V,E) for a given set of sensors of size m: {s1, s2, ..., sm} and a range k > 0. We want that each node v ∈ V has a unique c ...
We construct a graph G = (V,E) for a given set of sensors of size m: {s1, s2, ..., sm} and a range k > 0. We want that each node v ∈ V has a unique c ...