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R.J. Fokkink

78 records found

Conway and Ryba considered a table of bi-infinite Fibonacci sequences and discovered new interesting patterns. We extend their considerations to tables that are defined by the recurrence Xn+1 = dXn + Xn−1 for natural numbers d. In our search for new patterns we run into a Red Wal ...
We extend the notion of boycotts between players in cooperative games to boycotts between coalitions. We prove that convex games offer a proper setting for studying these games. Boycotts have a heterogeneous effect. Individual players that are targeted by many-on-one boycotts suf ...
We prove that for a suitably nice class of random substitutions, their corresponding subshifts have automorphism groups that contain an infinite simple subgroup and a copy of the automorphism group of a full shift. Hence, they are countable, non-amenable and non-residually finite ...
We want to find the convex combination S of iid Bernoulli random variables that maximizes P(S ≥ t) for a given threshold t. Endre Csóka conjectured that such an S is an average if t ≥ p, where p is the success probability of the Bernoulli random variables. We prove this conjectur ...

Queen reflections

A modification of Wythoff Nim

Wythoff Nim is a classical combinatorial game of queen moves on a chessboard. There are many ways to describe its P-positions (safe positions to move to). One way is to code them by the Fibonacci word 010010100100101.., which is the unique fixed point of the substitution of 0 by ...
Let S and X be independent random variables, assuming values in the set of non-negative integers, and suppose further that both E(S) and E(X) are integers satisfying E(S) ≥ E(X). We establish a sufficient condition for the tail probability P(S ≥ E(S)) to be larger than the tail P ...
The China-India border is the longest disputed border in the world. The countries went to war in 1962 and there have been recurring border skirmishes ever since. Reports of Chinese incursions into Indian territory are now a frequent occurrence. This rising tension between the wor ...

“Stay nearby or get checked”

A Covid-19 control strategy

This paper repurposes the classic insight from network theory that long-distance connections drive disease propagation into a strategy for controlling a second wave of Covid-19. We simulate a scenario in which a lockdown is first imposed on a population and then partly lifted whi ...
A symmetry of a tessellation is an isometry of the plane, or space, preserving the tessellation. What symmetry groups can one get? This is a classical problem in geometry, leading to the wallpaper groups of the plane or crystallographic groups in higher dimensions.@en
Since the 1960s China and India have engaged in a dispute about the demarcation of their shared border. This territorial dispute led to a brief war in 1962, and recurring flare-ups over the following decades, including during the summer of 2020. The potential for further escalati ...
Suppose that some objects are hidden in a finite set S of hiding places that must be examined one by one. The cost of searching subsets of S is given by a submodular function, and the probability that all objects are contained in a subset is given by a supermodular function. We s ...
We prove that topologically isomorphic linear cellular automaton shifts are algebraically isomorphic. Using this, we show that two distinct such shifts cannot be isomorphic. We conclude that the automorphism group of a linear cellular automaton shift is a finitely generated abeli ...
We study search games in which the hider may hide in a finite number of locations. We assume that the cost of searching these locations does not depend on the order in which the locations are searched. From these assumptions we derive that the cost function is submodular, thus pl ...
In a cycling time trial, the rider needs to distribute his power output optimally to minimize the time between start and finish. Mathematically, this is an optimal control problem. Even for a straight and flat course, its solution is non-trivial and
involves a singular contro ...
We give an explicit evaluation, in terms of products of Jacobsthal numbers, of the Hankel determinants of order a power of two for the period-doubling sequence. We also explicitly give the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the corresponding Hankel matrices. Similar considerations g ...
Search games for a mobile or immobile hider traditionally have the hider permanently confined to a compact ‘search region’ making eventual capture inevitable. Hence the payoff can be taken as time until capture. However in many real life search problems it is possible for the hid ...
The optimal pacing strategy of a cyclist in an individual time-trial depends on terrain, weather conditions and the cyclists endurance capacity. Previous experimental and theoretical studies have shown that a suboptimal pacing strategy may have a substantial negative effect. In t ...