
2 records found

“Stay nearby or get checked”

A Covid-19 control strategy

This paper repurposes the classic insight from network theory that long-distance connections drive disease propagation into a strategy for controlling a second wave of Covid-19. We simulate a scenario in which a lockdown is first imposed on a population and then partly lifted whi ...

Queen reflections

A modification of Wythoff Nim

Wythoff Nim is a classical combinatorial game of queen moves on a chessboard. There are many ways to describe its P-positions (safe positions to move to). One way is to code them by the Fibonacci word 010010100100101.., which is the unique fixed point of the substitution of 0 by ...


18 records found

Stopproblemen en Speltheorie

De wiskunde achter de optimale inbraak

In dit verslag wordt het gedrag van een dief die huizen besteelt wiskundig bekeken. Het dievenspel is de aanleiding van dit verslag. In dit spel bepaalt een dief zijn optimale strategie voor het bestelen van één huis uit verschillende huizen met verschillende waarden. Daarnaast i ...

Search and Rescue Games

Games on Trees and Graphs

In this thesis report we consider a search and rescue problem in which one or multiple targets/objects are hidden in some playing field, and must be rescued/found by a searcher. The targets are for example: earthquake survivors, lost hikers or prisoners held by an adversary, and ...

Three Way Duels

Infinite Games on the Unit Square

With the growing wealth and economy of a country, there are an increasing amount of small and big businesses. Every company has its own marketing strategy that it uses in order to lure customers away from their competition and increase their sales. Choosing the perfect time to ad ...

On Euler and Fibonacci Numbers

Why Pi is Bounded by Twice Phi

In this report, we will look at the connection between the Fibonacci and Euler numbers. By using a combinatorial argument including the Fibonacci and Euler numbers, we will prove our main theorem:  Fn·En ≥ n! From the main theorem and the asymptotics of these numbers, we will con ...

A Note on Integrity

ILP Modelling and Analysis on Graph Families

This thesis provides a fresh perspective on the (vertex) integrity of graphs, serving as a measure of network robustness. The study begins by introducing fundamental concepts and methods for evaluating the integrity of different graph families. An Integer Linear Programming (ILP) ...
Interest rate products form a large segment of over-the-counter derivatives. When the interest rate became negative, for the first time, in July 2009, interest rate models needed to adjust. Where first a log-normal model, as the Brace Gatarek Musiela (BGM) model, might have seeme ...

A Game-Theoretical Approach to Boycott Modelling

Quantitative impacts of boycotts by cooperative game theory

Almost everyone is familiar with games such as poker and checkers, but games can also be found in non-entertaining settings, such as competing companies in a market or conflict resolutions between countries. However, what happens when players want to avoid working together? This ...

Distributing tasks in committees

An algorithmic research in a cooperative game theory problem

Cooperative game theory studies multi-agent environments where agents are able to make binding agreements. A lot has been written about dividing goods or other positive gains among the agents. This study investigates ways to distribute tasks with a negative utility in a strategyp ...

Competitive Investors

A Game Theoretical Approach on Hedge Fund Dynamic Analysis

The Competitive Investor Game from Bell & Cover (1980) and the 푘-Player Ranking Game from Alpern & Howard (2017) are analysed in thesis. Optimal strategies have been derived and the related proofs have been given a new look. The Symmetric Multiplayer Ranking Game is considered a ...
Temporal networks, like physical contact networks, are networks whose topology changes over time. However, this representation does not account for group interactions, when people gather in groups of more than two people, that can be represented as higher-order events of a tempor ...
In this report, I investigate strategic decision making in the Formula E racing series for Porsche. Formula E is an electric car circuit racing series, where the main tasks of race strategy are allocating energy consumption across the race and timing mandatory "attack mode" activ ...
Melvin Dresher beschouwde in zijn boek uit 1961 over speltheorie een getallenraadspel over N getallen. Hij liet zien hoe de optimale strategieën van beide spelers kon worden gevonden met behulp van lineair programmeren. Later toonde Selmer Johnson oplossingen voor N<=11 en merkte ...
The Game of Cycles, invented by Francis Su (2020, p.51) is an impartial game played on a graph, where players take turns marking an edge according to a set of rules. Together with the game, there also came a conjecture that gives a condition for whether a specific position is win ...
This thesis presents an insight in the Riemann zeta function and the prime number theorem at an undergraduate mathematical level. The main goal is to construct an explicit formula for the prime counting function and to prove the prime number theorem using the zeta function and a ...
Intention aware routing system is a route-planning algorithm for electric vehicles that minimizes overall travel time by taking into consideration congestion at charging stations. This thesis extends this algorithm to allow choices to be made based on prices at charging stations. ...
This thesis captures the calibration of a FX hybrid model: The FX Black-Scholes Hull-White model. The main focus is on the calibration of the parameters in the Hull-White process: The mean reversion and the volatility parameter. The latter is commonly calibrated as a time-depende ...
Automated Market Makers (AMMs) are a novel type of market makers that eliminate the need for a coun-terparty in a trade. This thesis analyses the properties of several types of AMMs, and in particular the con-centrated liquidity market maker. An axiomatic definition of AMMs is pr ...
In deze Bachelor thesis hebben we het gedrag bestudeerd van 3 typen kankercellen die een rol spelen bij prostaatkanker. Dit doen we met behulp van speltheorie met als spelers de dokter tegenover de kankercellen. Met de replicator dynamica hebben we eerst gekeken naar de verdelin ...