
5 records found as author

City events are getting popular and are attracting a large number of people. This increase needs for methods and tools to provide stakeholders with crowd size information for crowd management purposes. Previous works proposed a large number of methods to count the crowd using dif ...
Using social media data, such as Twitter and Instagram, I identify relevant information, develop data models, estimate and analyse crowds’ characteristics in city events, including demographic and city-role composition, Spatial-temporal distribution, sentiment estimation, Points ...
Large-scale events are becoming more frequent in contemporary cities, increasing the need for novel methods and tools that can provide relevant stakeholders with quantitative and qualitative insights about attendees’ characteristics. In this work, we investigate how social media ...
City events are being organized more frequently, and with larger crowds, in urban areas. There is an increased need for novel methods and tools that can provide information on the sentiments of crowds as an input for crowd management. Previous work has explored sentiment analysis ...

City-scale events attract large amounts of attendees in temporarily re-purposed urban environments. In this setting, the real-time measurement of the density of attendees stationing in – or moving through – the event terrain is central to applications suc ...