
5 records found

Activating Learning at Scale

A Review of Innovations in Online Learning Strategies

Taking advantage of the vast history of theoretical and empirical findings in the learning literature we have inherited, this research offers a synthesis of prior findings in the domain of empirically evaluated active learning strategies in digital learning environments. The prim ...

Scaling Effective Learning Strategies

Retrieval Practice and Long-Term Knowledge Retention in MOOCs

Large-scale online learning environments such as MOOCs provide an opportunity to evaluate the efficacy of learning strategies in an informal learning context with a diverse learner population. Here, we evaluate the extent to which retrieval practice — recognized as one of the mos ...

Follow the successful crowd

Raising MOOC completion rates through social comparison at scale

Social comparison theory asserts that we establish our social and personal worth by comparing ourselves to others. In in-person learning environments, social comparison offers students critical feedback on how to behave and be successful. By contrast, online learning environments ...

From Learners to Earners

Enabling MOOC Learners to Apply Their Skills and Earn Money in an Online Market Place

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) aim to educate the world. More often than not, however, MOOCs fall short of this goal — a majority of learners are already highly educated (with a Bachelor degree or more) and come from specific parts of the (developed) world. Learners from dev ...


A Simulation Platform for Microtask Crowdsourcing Campaigns

This demo presents VirtualCrowd, a simulation platform for crowdsourcing campaigns. The platform allows the design, configuration, step-by-step execution, and analysis of customized tasks, worker profiles, and crowdsourcing strategies. The platform will be demonstrated through a ...


15 records found

Electrocardiography is the craft of producing electrocardiograms. These graphs give physicians insight into the potential pathology of the heart. In order to come to a diagnosis, physicians use electrocardiograms in combination with follow-up physical examinations. There has been ...
Training machine learning (ML) models for natural language processing usually requires lots of data that is often acquired through crowdsourcing. In crowdsourcing, crowd workers annotate data samples according to one or more properties, such as the sentiment of a sentence, the vi ...
In the use of Machine Learning systems, attaining the trust of those that are the end-users can often be difficult. Many of the current state-of-the-art systems operate as Black-Boxes. Errors produced by these Black-Box systems, without further explanation as to why these decisio ...

Perspective Discovery in Controversial Debates

An exploration of unsupervised topic models

Since the introduction of the Web, online platforms have become a place to share opinions across various domains (e.g., social media platforms, discussion fora or webshops). Consequently, many researchers have seen a need to classify, summarise or categorise these large sets of u ...

Static Analysis of Spam Call Blocking Applications

Common Android APIs Used for Call Interception and Blocking

In order to combat increasing spam calls, many applications are developed and downloaded to block those calls. Some studies about performance of the applications were previously conducted, however, the actual processes the applications go through to intercept and block the spam c ...

Analysing Android Spam Call Applications

Developing a Methodology For Dynamic Analysis

The aim of this research is to provide a structured approach for dynamically analysing Android applications, focusing on applications that block or flag suspected spam caller IDs. This paper discusses ways to determine how an application stores the data regarding the phone number ...

Knowing Better Than the AI

How the Dunning-Kruger Effect Shapes Reliance on Human-AI Decision Making

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly helping people with all kinds of tasks, due to its promising capabilities. In some tasks, an AI system by itself will take over tasks, but in other tasks, an AI system making decisions on its own would be undesired due to ethical and l ...

Towards Engineering AI Software for Fairness

A framework to help design fair, accountable and transparent algorithmic decision-making systems

Algorithmic decision-making (ADM) is becoming increasingly prevalent in society, due to the rapid technological developments in Artificial Intelligence. ADM make substantially impactful decisions about people: diagnosing whether we have a disease, what news and which ads we get t ...

One Step Ahead

A weakly-supervised approach to training robust machine learning models for transaction monitoring

In recent years financial fraud has seen substantial growth due to the advent of electronic financial services opening many doors for fraudsters. Consequently, the industry of fraud detection has seen a significant growth in scale, but moves slowly in comparison to the ever-chang ...

Towards a Safer and More Reliable Selective Classifier

With Human Knowledge and Value Incorporated

While the performance of traditional confidence-based rejectors is heavily dependent on the calibration of the pretrained model, this study proposes the concept of feature-based rejectors and the whole pipeline where such rejector can be used in. Multiple design and development d ...
Machine Learning models are increasingly used to assist or replace humans in a variety of decision-making domains. However, a lot of concerns have been raised about the impact of these decisions on people’s lives. In this work we focus on two main problems. The first one is that ...

Sentiment Analysis

A comparison of feature sets for social data and reviews

Consumers share their experiences or opinion about products or brands in various channels nowadays, for example on review websites or social media. Sentiment analysis is used to predict the sentiment of text from consumers about these products or brands in order to understand the ...

Web-Based Economic Activity Classification

Comparing semi-supervised text classification methods to deal with noisy labels

In order to provide accurate statistics for industries, the classification of enterprises by economic activity is an important task for national statistical institutes. The economic activity codes in the Dutch business register are less accurate for small enterprises since small ...

Automatic generation of anomaly reports in a Train Control System

Using Natural Language Generation and Case-Based Reasoning

In this thesis, we study automatically generating explanatory reports for anomalous incidents in a train control system (TCS) using Natural Language Generation (NLG). A TCS is a type of safety-critical software that allows train controllers to correctly set the tracks for a trai ...

Language-consistent Open Relation Extraction

From Multilingual Text Corpora

Open Relation Extraction (ORE) aims to find arbitrary relation tuples between entities in unstructured texts. Even though recent research efforts yield state-of-the-art results for the ORE task by utilizing neural network based models, these works are solely focused on the Englis ...