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SC Lans
Academic Work (34)
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Book chapter (4)
Conference paper (4)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (3)
Report (18)
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34 records found
Electrolysis of aluminium sulphide in molten salt
Conference paper (2005) -
Y. Xiao (author)
DW van der Plas (author)
J Bothe (author)
SC Lans (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
MA Reuter (author)
The limiting phenomena at the anode of the electrowinning of zinc from zinc chloride in a molten chloride electrolyte
Doctoral thesis (2004) -
SC Lans (author)
Sulfidation of alumina with CS2 gas for compact aluminium production process
Journal article (2004) -
Y. Xiao (author)
JJ Soons (author)
SC Lans (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
MA Reuter (author)
DW van der Plas (author)
Contributions to the ohmic drop in the electrolysis of ZnCl2 in a molten chloride electrolyte
Journal article (2004) -
SC Lans (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
MA Reuter (author)
Sulfidation of Al2O3 with CS2 gas
Conference paper (2003) -
Y. Xiao (author)
H Soons (author)
SC Lans (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
MA Reuter (author)
DW van der Plas (author)
The possibilities of electrowinning of Al from Al2S3
Conference paper (2003) -
SC Lans (author)
J Bohte (author)
Y. Xiao (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
MA Reuter (author)
DW van der Plas (author)
CAPP progress report no. 5
Report (2003) -
Y. Xiao (author)
SC Lans (author)
J Soons (author)
J Bohte (author)
RA Penners (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
CAPP progress report no. 7: characterization of electrolyte
Report (2003) -
SC Lans (author)
Y. Xiao (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
MA Reuter (author)
J Bohte (author)
J Sons (author)
R Monis (author)
CAPP progress report 4
Report (2002) -
Y Xiao (author)
SC Lans (author)
JJ Soons (author)
J Bohte (author)
RA Penners (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
MA Reuter (author)
De kringloop van zink
Journal article (2002) -
SC Lans (author)
A van Schaik (author)
MA Reuter (author)
CAPP progress report III
Report (2002) -
SC Lans (author)
Y Xiao (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
Book chapter (2002) -
MA Reuter (author)
SC Lans (author)
Possibilities of zinc electrowinning from molten chloride salt
Conference paper (2002) -
SC Lans (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
MA Reuter (author)
J Vandenhaute (author)
E Robert (author)
CAPP progress report II
Report (2002) -
SC Lans (author)
Y Xiao (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
Hydrometallurgical production of zinc from primary and secondary raw materials
Book chapter (2002) -
JE Dutrizac (author)
MA Reuter (author)
SC Lans (author)
JL Booster (author)
Research report XI - Chlorine from chloride
Report (2002) -
SC Lans (author)
Research report XII - Ohmic drop
Report (2002) -
SC Lans (author)
CAPP progress report I
Report (2002) -
SC Lans (author)
Y Xiao (author)
A van Sandwijk (author)
Pyrometallurgical treatment of zinc-containing material
Book chapter (2002) -
MA Reuter (author)
SC Lans (author)
Flowsheet options for the treatment of residues
Book chapter (2002) -
MA Reuter (author)
SC Lans (author)