12 records found


A chenier is a beach ridge, consisting of sand and/or shells, overlying a muddy substrate. In this paper, we explore the cross-shore dynamics of cheniers in their ‘active’ phase, i.e. the phase between their formation and their landing on the shore and can no longer be reached ...

Over the last decades, mangrove forests have suffered immense and rapid losses worldwide. In recognition of their important socio-economic and environmental functions, many attempts have been made to both protect the remaining mangrove coastlines and restore eroding sites. Unfort ...

Cheniers are ridges consisting of coarse-grained sediments, resting on top of the fine sediment that forms the otherwise muddy coast. In this paper, we use Delft3D to explore how cheniers are formed through wave winnowing. We identify three phases of chenier development: (a) a ...

Mangrove-mud coasts across the world erode because of uninformed management, conversion of mangrove forests into aquaculture ponds, development of infrastructure and urbanization, and/or extraction of groundwater inducing land subsidence. The accompanied loss of ecosystem values, ...

Cheniers are important for stabilising mud-dominated coastlines. A chenier is a body of wave-reworked, coarse-grained sediment consisting of sand and shells overlying a muddy substrate. In this paper we present and analyse a week of field observations of the dynamics of a sing ...

In this paper the typical hydrodynamics on mangrove-mud coasts are studied. Worldwide, these coasts experience serious erosion problems, and while the importance of mangrove ecosystems is becoming widely recognised, mangrove restoration projects frequently fail due to poor unders ...
During recent decades, mangrove forests have experienced severe degradation due to unsustainable land use. Restoration of mangrove ecosystems requires the recovery of their habitat, considering ecology, hydrology, hydrodynamics, and sediment transport. In a first pilot in 2013, b ...


Demak is a regency within the province of Central Java, Indonesia, with a mud-mangrove coast bordering the Java Sea. The region is facing a rapid retreat of the coastline, threatening the livelihood of a large part of the population. The main cause of the erosion is the deforesta ...
The Weg naar Zee (WnZ) region of Suriname’s capital Paramaribo is dealing with coastal erosion. Images from the past 30 years have shown coastal retreats of up to 1.3 km. Mangrove forest used to be present in large numbers at the location. These forests enhance accretion, but due ...
Across the world, the presence of humans in coastal regions is always increasing. Hydraulic forcing from extreme events is a large risk around the global coastlines, the risk being complicated by the increased human presence along the coasts.
The knowledge that vegetation can ...
The Demak coastal area faces severe erosion problems. The main cause of the erosion of the coastline, which is at some places as high as 1.5 km of land, is the deforestation of the green belt of mangroves for the purpose of building fishponds. This has disturbed the delicate sedi ...
Mangroves are tidal trees commonly observed along the sheltered shorelines of most tropical (from equator to 23.5° North and South latitude) and few subtropical (23.5° to 40° North and South latitude) countries. These plants are adapted to loose wet soils, saline habitats and per ...