C. Bos
18 records found
Carbide nano-precipitates are commonly used to improve mechanical properties of steel. It has been experimentally observed that TiC, NbC, and VC carbide precipitates initially form as ‘plate-like’ particles oriented in the {1 0 0} planes of the ferrite lattice. These platelets sh
In an industrial context, selecting an appropriate crystal plasticity (CP) model that balances efficiency and accuracy when modelling deformation texture (DT) is crucial. This study compared DTs in IF-steel after undergoing cold rolling reductions using different CP models for tw
In this study possible routes from dissolved M and C atoms to a M-C (M = Ti, Nb) cluster are studied. Using atomistic modelling to perform relaxation simulations and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for the Fe-M-C ternary system, the formation of clusters is studied for M. Add
Predicting microstructure and (micro-)texture evolution during thermo-mechanical processing requires the combined simulation of plastic deformation and recrystallization. Here, a simulation approach based on the coupling of a full-field dislocation density based crystal plasticit
The volume increase and shape change during austenite to martensite transformation in dual-phase (DP) steels are largely accommodated in the microstructure by the deformation of the surrounding ferrite matrix. Accurate estimation of transformation-induced deformation of ferrite v
A reference-free modified embedded atom method (RF-MEAM) potential for iron has been constructed. The new potential is made to predict both bcc and fcc (α-Fe and γ-Fe) lattice properties, with a special interest in modelling in the 800-1300 K temperature range. This is the range
A new approximation to the equations describing Classical Nucleation and Growth Theories, is proposed providing quick, and intuitive insight. It gives a prediction of the mean precipitate radius and number density development under quasi-isothermal conditions. Current “mean-radiu
A cellular automaton algorithm for curvature-driven coarsening is applied to a cold-rolled interstitial-free steel's microstructure - obtained through electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Recrystallization nucleation occurs naturally during the simulation, due to the highly h
Influence of dislocations on the apparent elastic constants in single metallic crystallites
An analytical approach
Intricate knowledge of dislocation networks in metals has proven paramount in understanding the constitutive behaviour of these materials but current experimental methods yield limited information on the characteristics of these networks. Recently, the isotropic anelastic respons
During the production of DP steels, the volume expansion and shape change accompanying the austenite to martensite transformation is accommodated by the deformation of surrounding ferrite grains. The extent of the deformation in ferrite grains ultimately affects the mechanical pr
The mechanical properties of ferrite-martensite dual phase (DP) steels are influenced by the internal stresses induced during austenite to martensite transformation. The volumetric expansion during this transformation causes plastic deformation of surrounding ferrite grains and c