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W Pisula
Academic Work (7)
Journal article (7)
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7 records found
Towards high charge-carrier mobilities by rational design of the scape and periphery of discotics
Journal article (2009) -
Xi Feng (author)
W Pisula (author)
MR Hansen (author)
J Kirkpatrick (author)
F.C. Grozema (author)
Ferdinand Grozema (author)
Ferdinand C. Grozema (author)
F. C. Grozema (author)
D Andrienko (author)
K Kremer (author)
K Mullen (author)
Understanding Structure-Mobility Relations for Perylene Tetracarboxydiimide Derivatives
Journal article (2009) -
V Marcon (author)
DW Breiby (author)
W Pisula (author)
J Dahl (author)
J Kirkpatrick (author)
S Patwardhan (author)
F.C. Grozema (author)
Ferdinand Grozema (author)
F. C. Grozema (author)
Ferdinand C. Grozema (author)
D Andrienko (author)
Relation between supramolecular order and charge carrier mobility of branched alkyl hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes
Journal article (2006) -
W Pisula (author)
M Kastler (author)
D Wasserfallen (author)
M Mondeshki (author)
J Piris (author)
Charge recombination via intercolumnar electron tunneling through the lipid-like mantle of discotic hexa-alkyl-hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes
Journal article (2005) -
J.M. Warman (author)
John M. Warman (author)
J Piris (author)
W Pisula (author)
M Kastler (author)
D Wasserfallen (author)
K Mullen (author)
Anisotropy of the optical absorption and photoconductivity of a zone-cast film of a discotic hexabenzocoronene
Journal article (2004) -
J Piris (author)
W Pisula (author)
J.M. Warman (author)
John M. Warman (author)
Thermal switching of the optical anisotropy of a macroscopically aligned film of a discotic liquid crystal
Journal article (2004) -
J Piris (author)
W Pisula (author)
A Tracz (author)
T Pakula (author)
K Mullen (author)
J.M. Warman (author)
John M. Warman (author)
Aligned thin films of discotic hexabenzocoronenes: anisotropy in the optical and charge transport properties
Journal article (2004) -
J Piris (author)
MG Debije (author)
N Stutzmann (author)
BW Laursen (author)
W Pisula (author)
MD Watson (author)
T Bjørnholm (author)
K Mullen (author)
John M. Warman (author)
J.M. Warman (author)