Rob Nadolski


3 records found

Video-enhanced or textual rubrics

Does the Viewbrics' formative assessment methodology support the mastery of complex (21st century) skills?

Learners in the process of developing complex skills need a rich mental model of what such skills entail. Textual analytics rubrics (TR) are a widely used instrument to support formative assessment of complex skills, supporting feedback, reflection, and thus mental model developm ...

Video-or text-based rubrics

What is most effective for mental model growth of complex skills within formative assessment in secondary schools?

Learners can experience difficulties to form a mental model of a complex skill and what its mastery implicates in terms of actual behavior. Text-based analytic rubrics can support training and formative assessment of complex skills. However, they lack (1) contextual information n ...

Feedback is a gift

Do Video-enhanced rubrics result in providing better peer feedback than textual rubrics?

High-quality elaborative peer feedback is a blessing for both learners and teachers. However, learners can experience difficulties in giving high-quality feedback on complex skills using textual analytic rubrics. High-quality elaborative feedback can be strengthened by adding vid ...