S.C. Pont
213 records found
2-1/2D texture mapping
Real-time perceptual surface roughening
We investigate the ability of human observers to judge the direction of illumination from image texture. Photographs of 61 real surfaces were used, taken from the Columbia-Utrecht Reflectance and Texture (Curet) database (http://www.cs.columbia.edu/CAVE/curet). All samples wer ...
We derive the bidirectional reflectance distribution function for a class of opaque surfaces that are rough on a macroscale and smooth on a microscale. We model this type of surface as a distribution of spherical mirrors. Since our study concerns geometrical optics, it is only ...
We identify a neglected source of information in the 3D texture in images of articulated surfaces. The texture is especially noticeable near the terminator of the body shadow. We provide a very simple model that allows us to describe the 3D texture contrast in detail. Experime ...
In four experiments, we tested whether haptic comparison of curvature ranging from -4/m to +4/m is qualitatively the same for static and for dynamic touch. In Experiments 1 and 3, we tested whether static and dynamic curvature discrimination are based on height differences, at ...