
5 records found

Agent decision-making

The Elephant in the Room - Enabling the justification of decision model fit in social-ecological models

Agent-based models are particularly suitable to reflect the dynamics of humans, nature, and their interactions, making them a crucial approach for understanding social-ecological systems. The formalisations of human decision-making are central to resulting model behaviours. Despi ...
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a dramatic loss of lives worldwide, challenging the sustainability of our health care systems, threatening economic meltdown, and putting pressure on the mental health of individuals (due to social distancing and lock-down measures). The pandemic ...


Social identity modelling

This is an editorial to the special section on “Social Identity Modelling”, published in Volume 26, Issues 2 and 3, 2023 of the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. It provides information on how the Social Identity Approach (SIA) and the research using its theo ...
Simulating collective decision-making and behaviour is at the heart of many agent-based models (ABMs). However, the representation of social context and its influence on an agent’s behaviour remains challenging. Here, the Social Identity Approach (SIA) from social psychology, off ...
Path-breaking transformative change is needed in human-environment relations to move towards more sustainable development trajectories at local, national and global scales. Crises may trigger transformative change and learning in the short and in the long term. However, in partic ...


3 records found

The effect of social identities on the opinion dynamics of nuclear energy

Exploring the emergence of public opinion patterns regarding nuclear energy

This research focuses on public attitudes toward nuclear energy in the context of reaching consensus on energy solutions for climate action. Using the Social Identity Approach, it analyzes how social groups shape opinions, with a spotlight on Germany and France. Political affilia ...

Who is 'smarter', humans or buildings?

A mixed method assessment of occupant behavior in smart building environments.

Given the building sector's significant impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions, there is a clear need for a sustainable solution. Here, smart building technologies are emerging as a promising response, as they offer the potential to improve operational efficiency while re ...
The 21st century has seen a significant increase in the global prevalence of mental health problems, affecting almost a billion people. These conditions not only reduce the quality of life for individuals but also lead to stigmatization, discrimination, and social isolation. The ...