I.A. Ruiter


20 records found


A discreet device to monitor atrial fibrillation for elderly people

In collaboration with Cardioline Spa, this graduation project presents the development of a discreet device to monitor atrial fibrillation among elderly people. By means of user research and contest analysis, the project is aims at delivering a new product-system device for the c ...

Improving toilet posture

Design of an adjustable toilet footrest

It is time to break the taboo on something that every person does every day: excretion. Using the toilet for micturition and defecation is familiar to everyone. However, discussing personal troubles with going to the toilet is frowned upon. Constipation complaints and urine reten ...

Design the Next-generation Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis Device

An off-hospital, continuous, long-term heart monitoring product

This is a 5-month master graduation project in collaboration with Praxa Sense to design the next generation Atrial Fibrillation diagnosis device. A long-term (more than one month) continuous, off-hospital diagnosis device is designed with the focus on user experience and diagnosi ...

Increasing the Safety of the Modern Bicycle Helmet

Design of an Additional Impact Protection Mechanism

Bicycle helmets reduce the chance of certain injuries such as skull fractures according to various research. However, they are not designed to prevent other injuries such as concussions or traumatic brain injury. This is due to test regulations, which only test for high speed lin ...
The human body, although seemingly symmetrical, can in fact be highly asymmetrical. Our bodies are predetermined by our DNA and co-shaped by our environment. This leads to most of the world's population having a discrepancy in leg length either from birth or developed during thei ...

Design for the unaware concerns

Support healthy grieving in working context by building connections between the bereaved and their colleagues

Support people, especially support the bereaved people, is a challenging task. People’s attitudes towards death vary because many factors can influence it, such as gender, age, educational background, cultural and religious factors. The personality of the attitudes towards death ...

Design for the railway worker

Relieving the physical load on railway workers

Working on the rail infrastructure is physically tough. Heavy tools are lifted and carried while in unfavourable postures and in a harsh environment. An integrated design of tool carrier and working process eliminates the toughest of the loads imposed on the body of railway worke ...

Designing SeaBubble docks

A handbook for guidance on the design process for a SeaBubble dock

The project that is performed is for the master thesis of the master study ‘Integrated Product Design’ at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at the TU Delft. The final product is a handbook that functions as a tool to create a dock for SeaBubbles, and it is developed fo ...

Ergonomic Water Bolus Design

For Hyperthermia Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer Patients

Hyperthermia is a clinical cancer treatment method that relies on the principle of selectively heating tumour tissue with temperatures between 40 - 44 °C. For most head- and neck tumours deep hyperthermia treatment (DHT) is applied, in which electromagnetic energy is emitted to t ...

Enhancing the television experience of visually impaired people

Designing a tool to improve the ability to follow a conversation in a television program

This thesis is about improving the television experience of visually impaired people (VIP). The company VFO, world leading in assistive technology for VIP, proposed the assignment after finding out that VIP still watch television but do not experience it like sighted users. Fir ...

CloudCuddle Senior

The design of a bed tent for wandering people with dementia

The primary purpose of this Integrated Product Design master thesis has two purposes. The first is to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of the elderly with dementia that causes undesired behaviour or Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia, such as wandering duri ...

Quooker's modular kitchen cabinet

Enabling the customer to use the available space more efficient, while improving the installation process

This report shows the process of creating a design proposal for a modular kitchen cabinet for the company Quooker. Quooker B.V. is a Dutch company famous for its water taps that instantly cook water, with its head office based in Ridderkerk. The rapidly expanding product portfoli ...
The idea for this project was created by two Urologists at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. The design goal was to develop a diagnostic device that can be used to measure nocturnal (i.e. nightly) erections. The current device used to measure nocturnal erections was developed in the 1 ...
In Turkey, roughly 3000 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer every year (Kebudi, 2012). Although there are different types of pediatric cancers, their trajectory is similar and filled with various physical and psychosocial challenges for the patients and their famil ...
In the Netherlands an estimated amount of 1.75 million people are suffering from asthma, from which an estimated amount of 300,000 are children. Even though the treatment of asthma has come a long way, nonadherence in asthma patients regarding their treatment remains high. This n ...
The coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease caused by the ingestion of gluten affecting people with a genetic disposition. Gluten is a protein that can be found in wheat, rye and barley but it can also be used as protein filler in ice creams and soup. The only treatment for pati ...
The founders of start-up Scoozy saw an opportunity in the market for electric mobility. The mobility scooter has been driving electric for over 40 years, but has barely innovated. The start-up came up with an alternative for the current mobility scooter: Scoozy. A first working p ...
This project is about designing a tool to help informal caregivers provide better dementia care experiences for the people-with-dementia. There are many different non-pharmacological interventions that can be applied to help deal with the symptoms of dementia. Both understanding ...
At the moment design is taught in primary education. Teachers often use the design cycle which consists of six phases: 1) Exploring & formulating the problem, 2) Generating & selecting ideas, 3) Generating & selecting concepts, 4) Building prototypes, 5) Testing & optimising and ...
This graduation report describes the design process of the antenna band of the myTemp system. The myTemp system is a high accuracy core temperature measuring device, that uses an indigestible measuring pill and an antenna band to measure the temperature inside the intestines. It ...