Abbie Vandivere

9 records found


Multimodal imaging is used by conservators and scientists to study the composition of paintings. To aid the combined analysis of these digitisations, such images must first be aligned. Rather than proposing a new domain-specific descriptor, we explore and evaluate how existing fe ...
We demonstrate multi-scale multi-parameter optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging and visualization of Johannes Vermeer’s painting Girl with a Pearl Earring. Through automated acquisition, OCT image segmentation, and 3D volume stitching we realize OCT imaging at the scale of ...

Out of the blue

Vermeer’s use of ultramarine in Girl with a Pearl Earring

Johannes Vermeer (1632–1675) is known for his brilliant blue colours, and his frequent use of the costly natural ultramarine. This paper reveals new findings about ultramarine in the headscarf of Girl with a Pearl Earring (c. 1665, Mauritshuis). The painting was examined using ...

The use of non-invasive macroscopic imaging techniques is becoming more prevalent in the field of cultural heritage, especially to avoid invasive procedures that damage valuable artworks. For this purpose, an X-ray powder diffraction scanner (MA-XRPD) capable of visualising cr ...

Until the 19th century, lead white was the most important white pigment used in oil paintings. Lead white is typically composed of two crystalline lead carbonates: hydrocerussite [2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2] and cerussite (PbCO3). Depending on the ratio be ...

Fading into the background

The dark space surrounding Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

The background of Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring (c. 1665, Mauritshuis) has, until recently, been interpreted as a flat dark space. The painting was examined in 2018 as part of the research project The Girl in the Spotlight using a combination of micro- and macro-scale an ...

A seventeenth-century canvas painting is usually comprised of varnish and (translucent) paint layers on a substrate. A viewer’s perception of a work of art can be affected by changes in and damages to these layers. Crack formation in the multi-layered stratigraphy of the paint ...


The goal of this project was to simulate the colour change over time of Girl with a Pearl Earring from Johannes Vermeer. Using art history knowledge and computational methods this was proven to be possible. The combination of these methods is unique and promising.

As a ...