G. Babur

26 records found


This paper presents design and practical implementation of the method for cross-channel interference suppression in polarimetric LFM-CW radar with dual-orthogonal sounding signals. Simultaneously transmitted and received signals have limited orthogonality, what results in the int ...
The article describes the IRCTR PARSAX radar system. It is an S-band high-resolution Doppler polarimetric FMCW radar utilizing dual-orthogonal sounding signals. The signals allow for measuring in one sweep all elements of the radar targets polarization scattering matrix simultane ...
This paper describes a new type of sounding signals for polarimetric FMCW radar and the corresponding signal processing technique. This technique coordinates continuous transmission of two bi-cyclic LFM-signals on orthogonal polarizations and applies an advanced de-ramping proces ...
This paper describes a new type of sounding signals for polarimetric FMCW radar and the corresponding signal processing technique. The inter-period compensation (IPC) algorithm is proposed for isolation increase in radar channels. The novelty concerns the use of orthogonal polari ...
This paper outlines the work on the design of a reconfigurable receiver for the PARSAX radar. The FPGA based digital receiver samples incoming signals at intermediate frequency (IF) and processes signals digitally instead of using more conventional analog approaches. In this way ...
Samenvatting Polarimetrische radar maakt het mogelijk om de volledige elektromagnetische vectoriële beschrijving van waargenomen objecten te gebruiken. Hij meet de vier complexe elementen van de verstrooiïngsmatrix, die de transformatie van een elektromagnetisch veld dat reflect ...