O.A. Krasnov
136 records found
This article focuses on the experimental validation of probing signals designed to enable radar operation in spectrally crowded environments using an S-band software defined radar (SDR). The tested waveforms ensure spectral coexistence between the sensing system and frequency-ove
The problem of the limited accuracy of precipitation Doppler spectrum moments estimation measured by fast azimuthally scanning weather radars is addressed. A novel approach for the Doppler moment estimation based on maximum likelihood estimation is proposed. A simplified semianal
In this paper, the full calibration chain of FMCW radar with simultaneous transmission of two orthogonally polarized orthogonal waveforms is considered. Specifically for this type of polarimetric radar, compensation of signals’ biases and equalization of the amplification gains o
The high-resolution vertically pointed Doppler FMCW radar PARSAX was used for the investigation of turbulence in isolated convective clouds. The radar measures reflectivity, the mean Doppler velocity, and the spectrum width in clouds that are crossing the radar beam due to horizo
The challenge of reconstructing the Doppler spectrum of a precipitation-like event observed by a fast-scanning weather radar is addressed. A novel method is proposed where the echo sequence in time is assumed to be a complex Gaussian process with a known covariance structure. It
Mutual interference between automotive frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar systems has been a concern over recent years. Several interference mitigation (IM) techniques have been proposed to mitigate this phenomenon, which is deemed to grow in severity as more system
The problem of aliasing in precipitation Doppler spectrum with uniform pulse repetition time is addressed. This work focuses on de-aliasing such Doppler spectra using non-uniform sampling techniques, namely, Log-periodic and Periodic non-uniform sampling. These techniques reduce
The challenge of processing incoherent sets of radar echoes to estimate the Doppler moments and noise standard deviation from precipitation with a fast-scanning radar is addressed. The recently proposed maximum likelihood parametric Doppler spectrum estimator (PSE) is extended to
A far-field calibration method based on broadside measurements with a co-polarized and a cross-polarized reference dihedral target is demonstrated for the first time for an asymmetric ±45o linearly polarized 77 GHz frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) multiple-input multipl
The problem of precipitation detection using Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar under strong sectorial interference is addressed. The effect of such strong interferences in the case of an FMCW scanning radar is presented. Three signal-processing pipelines (two refle
Counter-aliasing is better than De-aliasing
Application to Doppler Weather Radar with Aperiodic Pulse Train
The challenge of avoiding aliasing in the Doppler spectrum for precipitation is addressed. A novel integrative signal processing approach has been proposed to address the research gaps from various disciplines. The proposed approach consists of several steps. First, an aperiodic
At the airports, fast-scanning phased array radars are used to detect point-like targets, e.g., birds and drones. However, these radars do not possess Doppler processing and thus are not used for observation of the weather targets like precipitation events. A series of steps need
A dedicated signal and data processing chain is proposed for a fully polarimetric Doppler surveillance S-band radar to extract the polarimetric signatures of moving targets. To extract the target’s polarimetric features, detection, clustering, and tracking steps are realized for
This paper investigates the possibility of transmitting waveforms designed to enable spectral coexistence between radar and other Radio Frequency (RF) wireless systems via a Software Defined Radar (SDR). The design technique tested in this study nominally enables the placement of
Starting from numerical simulation and comparative analysis of different polarimetric detector algorithms using the proposed Gain of Detectability measure, this paper has validated the feasibility and accuracy of polarimetric detectors in scenarios with homogeneous clutter. These
The paper presents the statistical analysis of trihedral corner reflectors RCS in presence of mass production and installation errors. It is shown that the degradation of RCS from its nominal value can be modeled by Beta distribution. The derived probability density functions (PD
Polarimetric Signatures of Moving Automotive Vehicles Based on H/A/α-decomposition
Preliminary Results with PARSAX Radar Data
Polarimetric radar responses from moving automotive targets are studied aiming at target classification using the polarimetric H/A/α-decomposition technique. A signal- and data processing chain has been proposed for the detection and tracking of targets in a multi-target environm
The performance and limitations of the Doppler processing of the scattered signals from extended meteorological objects (precipitation) are analysed in the case of radar with fast azimuthal scanning. The classical method of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) has been applied to
This paper presents algorithms for joint signal processing of data from two radars located on the rooftop of TU Delft: PARSAX, operating in S-band, and MESEWI, operating in X-band [1]. In particular, the problem of data alignment in space (2D map) and time is addressed by observi
This paper presents an analysis of a new method of automotive radar self-calibration which uses targets of opportunity. While conventional offline calibration of a phased array antenna requires accurate knowledge of the positions of calibration targets relative to the radar, such