Alexander Yarovoy
674 records found
In this article, the classification of dynamic vulnerable road users
(VRUs) using polarimetric automotive radar is considered. To this end, a
signal processing pipeline for polarimetric automotive MIMO radar is
proposed, including a method to enhance angular resolution by comb
Emerging Trends in Radar
OTFS-based Radar for Integrated Sensing and Communications Systems
This paper offers a wide perspective of the research topic of orthogonal time-frequency space (OTFS)-based integrated radar-communication systems. OTFS modulation is a recently proposed evolution of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) that promises better Doppler to
In this study, the problem of multipath in radar sensor networks for human activity recognition (HAR) has been examined. Traditionally considered as a source of additional clutter, the multipath is being investigated for its potential to be exploited through the creation of virtu
This paper examines how training data affects machine learning-assisted antenna pattern prediction under mutual coupling. For demonstration, a neural network-based approach is used to predict the embedded pattern of a central patch antenna element near randomly distributed patche
The problem of detection and localization of multiple people using a network of Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) radar nodes in the cabin of a vehicle is addressed in this paper. Specifically, an algorithm for decentralized vital signs detection is proposed, based on the analysis of a novel
Additive manufacturing (AM) is increasingly recognized as an enabling technology for novel devices with increased functionality and bandwidth for microwave applications. However, due to the layer-by-layer build approach employed by most AM techniques, internal patterns are introd
Speeding up imaging over BP for automotive radar
High-resolution algorithm with multi-frame data
One of the key problems in automotive radar is its limited cross-range resolution, despite many approaches developed to address this. Conventional high-resolution algorithms in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can provide good resolution imaging ability but suffer from high computa
The effect of different time-frequency (TF) resolution values is analyzed in the context of Human Activity Recognition (HAR) using multiple radars distributed in a network. Specifically, different spectrograms computed with various Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) window lengt
The problem of aliasing in precipitation Doppler spectrum with uniform pulse repetition time is addressed. This work focuses on de-aliasing such Doppler spectra using non-uniform sampling techniques, namely, Log-periodic and Periodic non-uniform sampling. These techniques reduce
Both thermal and electromagnetic performance of substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) and microstrip line-fed shaped-beam arrays with slot and patch radiating elements are conducted. Three array types operating at 26 GHz band, namely SIW slot array, SIW array with patches, and pro
A far-field calibration method based on broadside measurements with a co-polarized and a cross-polarized reference dihedral target is demonstrated for the first time for an asymmetric ±45o linearly polarized 77 GHz frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) multiple-input multipl
A new modification to a method to determine the normalised radar cross section of road surfaces is proposed, so that the radar cross section of anisotropic pavement materials can also be considered. This method is applied to two types of brick pavements with different bond patter
The application of distributed radar to human motion monitoring is considered. A novel sensor fusion method has been proposed that yields a two-dimensional map of reflection intensity and a vector field of reconstructed velocities in lieu of conventional Doppler spectrograms or r
The challenge of processing incoherent sets of radar echoes to estimate the Doppler moments and noise standard deviation from precipitation with a fast-scanning radar is addressed. The recently proposed maximum likelihood parametric Doppler spectrum estimator (PSE) is extended to
Counter-aliasing is better than De-aliasing
Application to Doppler Weather Radar with Aperiodic Pulse Train
The challenge of avoiding aliasing in the Doppler spectrum for precipitation is addressed. A novel integrative signal processing approach has been proposed to address the research gaps from various disciplines. The proposed approach consists of several steps. First, an aperiodic
The problem of the limited accuracy of precipitation Doppler spectrum moments estimation measured by fast azimuthally scanning weather radars is addressed. A novel approach for the Doppler moment estimation based on maximum likelihood estimation is proposed. A simplified semianal
The problem of precipitation detection using Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar under strong sectorial interference is addressed. The effect of such strong interferences in the case of an FMCW scanning radar is presented. Three signal-processing pipelines (two refle
A novel dual-linear polarized active aperiodic millimeter-wave (26 GHz band) phased array is prototyped. Four-channel integrated circuits are used for beamforming. An asymmetrical signal distribution and antenna feeding network is designed. A heuristic post-calibration method is
The challenge of reconstructing the Doppler spectrum of a precipitation-like event observed by a fast-scanning weather radar is addressed. A novel method is proposed where the echo sequence in time is assumed to be a complex Gaussian process with a known covariance structure. It
The utilization of low-cost hybrid additive manufacturing equipment for creating a fully integrated patch antenna system is demonstrated. A miniaturized stacked dual-band patch antenna for GNSS applications with integrated feed, amplifier, matching, and bias network is considered