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J.R. Kuipers

9 records found

From fear to forecast

The role of simulators, accompanied driving, age, gender, and information-processing style in driver training and beyond

Background: Even though accompanied driving and simulator training are common, clarity on their usage trends and effectiveness is lacking. This research aimed to deepen the understanding of the relationships between personal characteristics, pre-licence accompanied driving, self- ...
A novel granular discrete element method (DEM) is introduced to simulate mixtures of particles of any convex shape. To quickly identify pairs of particles in contact, the method first uses a broad-phase and a narrow-phase contact detection strategy. After this, a contact resoluti ...
Fluidization is widely used in industries and has been extensively studied, both experimentally and theoretically, in the past. However, most of these studies focus on spherical particles while in practice granules are rarely spherical. Particle shape can have a significant effec ...
Fluidised beds are used in a variety of processes because of their favourable mass and heat transfer characteristics. In this and many other processes, non-spherical particles are commonplace, which can drastically affect the fluidisation behaviour. In this study, we use numerica ...
A stochastic Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method has been extended for handling bubble-bubble and bubble-wall collisions. Bubbly flows are generally characterized by highly correlated velocities due to presence of the surrounding liquid. The DSMC method has been improved ...
The risk of being involved in an accident in the first year after licensing is greater for novice drivers who passed their driving exam the first time than for novice drivers who failed their first driving exam. Enhanced training programmes can shorten the duration of training an ...
Connecting the macroscopic world of continuous fields to the microscopic world of discrete molecular events is important for understanding several phenomena occurring at physical boundaries of systems. An important example is heterogeneous catalysis, where reactions take place at ...

Three-dimensional fluidized beds with rough spheres

Validation of a Two Fluid Model by Magnetic Particle Tracking and discrete particle simulations

Two fluid model simulations based on our recently introduced kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) for rough spheres and rough walls, are validated for the first time for full three-dimensional (3D) bubbling fluidized beds. The validation is performed by comparing with experimen ...
Young and inexperienced drivers are over-involved in traffic violations and car crashes. There is a paucity of research on the use of driving simulators for assessing driving style. This study investigated the relationships between years of licensure and driving style measured wi ...